NEW and NEED help!! ADN or BSN? Queensborough/Adelphi/Pace


My background:

Associates in Accounting - Queensborough Community College

Bachelors in Accounting - Baruch College

Work Experience - about 5 years in Acctg (not happy) (currently working full-time)

I want to change my career to nursing. I'm just not sure whether I should go for an Associates or Bachelors.

NOTE: If I go for the Associates...I still plan to go for the Bachelors degree afterwards (so no matter what...i plan to have my Bachelors eventually) I just don't know if I should go into ABN then BSN or straight into BSN

PLEASE HELP. This is what I've gathered so far:


If I go for the Associates...I'm thinking of returning to Queensborough or going to BMCC

If I go for the Bachelors...I'm thinking of either Adelphi or Pace


It would take me about the same time to get the Associates and the Bachelors being that I don't have the pre-reqs of Biology or Chemistry or Micro

Queensborough and BMCC- 2 years (actually, add another semester for a pre-req)

Adelphi - They said if you have the pre-reqs=2.5 years. If not, 3 years. (They no longer offer the accelerated program)

Pace - Has an accelerated program in NYC which can be done in 1 year (full time), however, you need to have all your pre-reqs before beginning the program. So add another year for the pre-reqs. (note: this program is offered in NYC for those who start in Fall and in Pleasantville for those who start in Spring...I want to be in NYC)


Queensborough - $1,400 full time per semester (4 or 5 semesters plus books total exp would be -> roughly $10K)

Adelphi - $26K a year (2.5 years plus books total exp would be -> roughly 70K or 3 years -> $80K)

Pace - $46.5K for the accelerated program (scheduled to increase later this year...probably to 48/50K - does not include books) add about $2/3K for the pre-reqs I need to take to get into the program which I would take at a community college


I would like to start nursing next year 2010 (I need to stay at my current job for this year) but figure I should start taking the pre-reqs this summer.

What I've picked up so far:

From reading MANY forums and sites this is what I've gathered...

There really isn't much difference in salary between an ADN and BSN (at least immediate and short-term)

ADN students get more clinical exposure than BSN students

If you plan to eventually have a managerial need/should have a BSN degree

The passing rate for the RN test is much higher in those with an ADN than those with BSN

Those with BSN have more doors opened for them and opportunities to advance


Now with my background and all this said...What should I do?

Should I go for the ADN first or just jump into the BSN degree?

If I go for the BSN...should I go to Pace or Adelphi? Which is better?

Will I have a problem getting a job with an ADN degree when I'm done? How do you think things will be 3 years from now?....(2012 will probably be when I'm done with the test and looking for a job as a RN)

I heard that more and more places are requiring a BSN this true?

Do most hospitals in NY & Long Island (Nassau) pay for tuition? (let's say I get the ADN and go for the BSN while working)...what is the average amount they would cover? (50%/75%/100%)

How long would it take for me to get the BSN degree once I've taken and passed the RN test?


Since your applying to all NY schools I assume you live in NY don't bother with the ADN b/c new york state requires all nurses to ahve a BSn w/ in 10 years anyways. I am in an Accelerated BSN I highly recommend it alot of work but worth it...

Yes I live in NY/Queens and would eventually like to work in hospitals in NYC or Long Island.

Ok...just to donfirm...are you saying that 10 years from now ALL nurses in NY will be required to have a BSN?

or that once someone obtains their ADN degree...they have 10 years from that point to get their BSN in order to continue as a nurse?

Since your applying to all NY schools I assume you live in NY don't bother with the ADN b/c new york state requires all nurses to ahve a BSn w/ in 10 years anyways. I am in an accelerated BSN I highly recommend it alot of work but worth it...

I'm sorry but where exactly did you get this from?

I believe it passed in 2003, nurses already holding a RN license aren't affected but ADNs after Dec 2003 need a BSN with in 10y or they become LPN status (NY only so far)

with in 10y of completing an ADN you are required to get a BSN or you will be considered LPN status(NYS only so far)

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Since you're in NY and are interested in attending school in well as working there afterwards..perhaps you should post on the NY board. May actually get people who attend those schools or work at those hospitals..

I ahve heard some bad things about Pace University regarding the staff and how they are only helpful to people they like.

It really depends what your situation is as far as school goes. What can you afford and what program is conducive to your needs. I would check out the passing rates for the NCLEX for these programs as well. I tossed around the idea about getting my ADN, but I am going to shoot for the BSN just to have it under my belt. You will eventually gain the experience because you have to start somewhere.

I go to Adelphi and I hate hate their program.. I know a few students who are also leaving...

To be honest I think CUNY is great if you do not get distracted and get good grades like A- and above.. I didnt make the GPA for Bmcc I had A, A ,A- and a B+ that didnt qualify me so I left to Adelphi and Im now applying to get back to CUNY remember once you start your clinicals you cant transfer those credits ..

It is a matter of choice.. If you do choose to go to Adelphi do all your prerequisites at Cuny which is a great deal compare to Adelphis tuition.

I go to Adelphi and I hate hate their program.. I know a few students who are also leaving...

To be honest I think CUNY is great if you do not get distracted and get good grades like A- and above.. I didnt make the GPA for Bmcc I had A, A ,A- and a B+ that didnt qualify me so I left to Adelphi and Im now applying to get back to CUNY remember once you start your clinicals you cant transfer those credits ..

It is a matter of choice.. If you do choose to go to Adelphi do all your prerequisites at Cuny which is a great deal compare to Adelphis tuition.

Hi Beauty,

Just curious why you hate Adelphi's program? I am going to be attending this Spring and am already pretty nervous so I'd like to know what to expect. I'm transferring from BMCC by the way. Your reply would be greatly appreciated!


Specializes in Maternal Child.

There is another accelerated degree program in Bronxville, Westchester (30 mins on the train from Grand Central) at Concordia College. I did the accelerated program at Pace and did my pre-reqs at BMCC (community college). The course at Pace is kind of mixed - there are some outstanding professors who you will learn so much from and some not so great. The fees are way too high though. Last time I checked, Concordia College was cheaper - just a bit of a commute from Manhattan.

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