New Grads in NICU?


We have a girl in our primary care clinic that has just passed boards for RN. She has been a clinic LVN for several years, starting out as a CNA from So. America.

We are in a county system so that the county does not have a slot for her at the clinic where she is currently. She will be transferred to a teaching facility into their Neo-Natal ICU. (Her other option was ER.)

The director's logic was that she won't have to unlearn anything

Is this safe or even sane?

Specializes in SICU.

New grads go into the nicu in a quite a few hospitals. As long as they have a good new grad orientation it should be fine. She is also not really a new grad. New RN, yes, but she has been a nurse for several years.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Is she interested in NICU nursing?

Is the unit well-staffed and prepared to provide a thorough orientation?

If so, then it is a great idea!

Specializes in NICU, CVICU.

We have a girl in our primary care clinic that has just passed boards for RN. She has been a clinic LVN for several years, starting out as a CNA from So. America.

We are in a county system so that the county does not have a slot for her at the clinic where she is currently. She will be transferred to a teaching facility into their Neo-Natal ICU. (Her other option was ER.)

The director's logic was that she won't have to unlearn anything

Is this safe or even sane?

Yep, safe and sane! She is an RN, a new grad RN. She will go through a new grad orientation just like every other new grad out there...and as a bonus, she's also worked as an LVN and as a CNA. Sounds like the best possible combination for a new grad that you can find!!

Congrats to her and hope she loves the NICU (if that's where she wants to be)!!

Specializes in NICU.

I'm a new grad RN in the NICU. I LOVE it. We have a really great internship. Yep, definitely safe and sane if the right orientation is in place.

Specializes in Level III NICU.

I started as a new grad in a busy level III NICU. I had a great 12 week orientation. If your hospital can offer her that, it should be fine. Her prior experience should do nothing but help. As a preceptor, sometimes the hardest thing to teach a new nurse is time management. That comes from experience, and as someone who has worked as a CNA and an LVN, she should already have those skills. She will need to learn how to apply them to NICU, and if she has the desire to be there she should be fine!

Specializes in NICU level III.

I'm a new grad in a level III NICU & I'm doing great. I think it's fine to start out in a ICU unit as a new grad. as long as thats what you want to do, are willing to listen to what people are telling you because you have a lot to learn still, & have good preceptors. You have to have an all around good team or you can fail as a new grad & unit all together.

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