New Grad: two ICU job offers. Which one to choose?


Hello Everybody:

I am a New Grad RN who did my consolidation placement in the ICU (neuro/trauma level I trauma center).

After interviews with 2 major teaching hospitals I got offered both ICU positions.

Please advise which one should I choose?

First position starts right away in July, New Grad orientation is 6 months (i know!). For the first 3 months I'm on the unit preceptored with RN. Its a temporary full-time position, once 6 months are up they expect me to enrol in CrCare course (sponsorship from the hospital) and I'll be permanent full-time. HR said they do not guarantee 100% my enrolment but chances are 95% that the spot in the program is mine. Its a level II neuro/trauma unit, 1:2 care and there is a bigger, more complicated level III ICU unit in this hospital. Manager mentioned that if I wish-I can easily transfer in a year time.

Second position is at the hospital I did my consolidation placement at. During my placement there I asked the manager a couple of times about job opportunities, but back then she stated I would definitely require medsurg experience before getting hired in the unit. Later, they called me for an interview and surprisingly offered a position. It starts in Sept only and they'll send me for the CrCare program right away in Sept (also sponsorship), then it'll be 6 weeks of orientation on the unit (level III neuro-trauma ICU, hence 1:1 care). I know this unit and staff well, the atmosphere there is really nice!

Both these hospitals are level I trauma centres/major teaching hospitals (I know, I'm very lucky!) and pay is the same since I'm a New Grad (first job starts 2 months earlier though - 2 months salary advantage!)

What do you think? Which position should I choose? My concern is that the first position is temporary at first and the second

is only 6 weeks of orientation.

All your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!:nurse:


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

I'd take what's behind Door #1!! The 6 months of orientation is the clincher, but the earlier start date and the critical care course sponsorship are also top considerations.

Janfrn, thank you for your reply!

So you don't think I should be worried about being temporary full-time during first 6 months? (second position is perm full-time right away). I know it probably depends on me and how I present myself (hopefully ready to learn hard-working New Grad lol), but this fact makes me a little nervious!

whats the pay like for both?

both seems like good opportunities.

Good luch on either decision!!

Thanks Cooliegirl!

Salary is the same for both positions because I'm a New Grad.

I would choose #1. Reason being is longer orientation hours, Youll start earning a salary sooner that #2.

If the commute is not far away go with the first choice.

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

The only part that concerns me about job #1 is that they don't guarantee you will be enrolled in the critical care course. Also it is only temporary at first so what happens in 6 months if they start making cuts and the position is eliminated or you fall in the 5% that can't take the class?

Specializes in Peds, PICU, NICU, CICU, ICU, M/S, OHS....

I would pick job # 2.

You've already spent time on the unit and with the staff. It is a guaranteed job, unlike job # 1, and you'll definitely be enrolled in the CrCare classes.

Six weeks of orientation is very common at all hospitals. However, if you or your preceptor feel like you need more time, you'll be given it. I needed 8 weeks orientation for my current job, and I had 11 years experience going in ;)

Good luck with the job, which ever one you choose. You are very lucky! It is hard enough to find one nursing job these days, let alone two!

I would go with job# 2.

Mainly because you already know the people there, you know how things are run and the fact that you already like the atmosphere. That's a big advantage. You wouldn't believe believe how many new grads accept hospital positions and end up hating where they work because of the staff and the atmosphere. If you're looking for somewhere long term, it sounds like job #2 can offer you that. Yes job #1 starts sooner but whats the rush? You have your whole life to be a nurse. I believe good things come to those who wait. With job #2, you'll have more time to plan and prepare for the position and those 6 weeks will be nothing to you. Even if you feel you need more time, since you have a good reputation there, it won't be an issue. Good luck with your decision! Go where you think you will be happy!!

Hey All and thanks for your advices!

So I've decided to take the job #1, after a good 30 mins phone conversation with ICU Manager at that hospital. Hopefully, everything will be as she says (we invest money & energy in New Grads to make them great ICU RNs yada yada). Now I have to break the news to job #2 manager, but I guess

that'll make someone, i.e. another candidate happy too, right? :)

I'll have 5 months of orientation and then (hopefully as promised) CrCare course! I just think it's safer and more responsible to have this time before having a course and working independently...

I'm very very excited and ready to work hard!!! This is my dream job and I waited for it for so long....

Just wanted to say to all job-seeking New Grads out there: apply EVERYWHERE!

I mean it! I've sent out tones of resumes and was also hopeless...Until this moment!

I know the economy sucks, but you never know, so stay positive!

Best wishes to all!!!:)

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