New Grad RNs - Don't give up.

Nurses Job Hunt


I graduated December 2010, obtained my license in February 2011, and looked for jobs for over 1 year. I must have submitted far over 100 applications to new graduate RN programs and far over 300 to everywhere else, for any position; and really came close to giving up on this career. After 7 interviews (yes, only 7 in 15 months), I have finally landed a job. I don't know how many times I told myself that I was going to give up on nursing because of my inability to find a position that would accept a new grad, or a position that had 3000 applicants with the same resumes as myself. Great support systems really got me through this, and I'm posting here to tell you all that it does happen if you persevere. Don't let the economic difficulties in the health care industry make you feel that you are insufficient or unqualified. Everyone gets a break, you just need to keep working at it till you obtain it. We've all gone through the same training, we've passed N-CLEX, WE CAN DO THIS.

"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." Give it your best shot and be prepared for opportunity once it knocks on your door. It may take longer than you expected, but it will come. Stay positive my fellow nurses!



After searching for like forever, I was finally offered a position in a hospital of my choice. I am very grateful and I can finally begin my nursing career. Thank you all for the encouraging words. And for those who are still in search of employment, please don't give up because our opportunity will be granted soon.

Love that post.

I have also been a "new" grad for a long time. About 8+ months.

I've been on 5 interviews. I've recently landed a casual position within a nice LTC and have received a call back from a full-time position at an awesome hospital that is 15 mins from my house (just trying to get back into contact with them)

I believe everything happens for a reason- what's meant to be will!

I always thought of myself as a "poor" interviewer.... nerves and the fact that I stutter. There would be SOO many things I would want to say during an interview and it just wouldn't translate that way.

I felt like everyone around me was landing jobs- no one was "friends" anymore. No matter how much you helped someone in school... don't even think about asking them for help now.

I just felt like a had a million things against me and I couldn't catch a break.

I went on this last interview on Wednesday (at a hospital I dream of working at)... and let alone the position is F/T. I claimed this... this is MINE... I'm ready for it and I prayed about it so hard.

The felt the interview went well- I challenged him with some questions.. I gave him my references and he gave me his card.

I followed up with a Thank You email. He informed me during the interview he would only inform the successful person by the end of the week.

On friday I had a voice message from him asking me to call him... he also replied back to my email - asking again to call him. I am HOPING with everything the call is saying I got the position.... Seriously I will cry like there is no tomorrow.

They wouldn't leave a voice message saying you got the position right? they'd rather speak to you? ahhh I'm trying not to get my hopes up but please God let this be mine :(

Anyways, I called him back and left a message... but I hope this doesn't become a game of tag with it being a long weekend and I heard word he might be on vacation next week :S

(sorry that turned out to be a lot longer than expected)

Nurse Jane,

What did you learn from your interviews and how did you improve your skill for the next interview? How did you work on your nonverbal expressions because I hear they are important?

Thanks for the inspiration....really needed it :D

ZORABANKS: I relocated fresh out of school from NC to TX, market here is though and cut throat for new grads. I haven't even gotten one single interview bc the first thing I hear is " we require at least 6 months - 1 year experience"....I have my best friend living in you mind sharing what nursing home that was.....I really would love to stay here...but my chances for surviving here a sliming down by the minute.

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