Published Feb 26, 2013
251 Posts
With the abundance of New Grad RNs and the scarcity of facilities with new grad programs, I often hear new grads planning to go back to school to pursue higher nursing education if they don't get a job.
How do you feel about RNs without clinical experience and are seeking their MSN or NP?
Personally, I feel that it's premature for new grads to pursue further education unless they've practice nursing. There are a lot of things that cannot be taught and often not discussed in books. Skipping the basics of the practice, too fast/too soon, can stun career growth much like some people who doesn't choose to further their education.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Gazillions of threads exist hashing and rehashing this topic. You can do a search right up top at right.
I did my search and its mostly new grads wanting to go back to school. My question is directed to experience nurses, already in the field and what their opinions about someone without any experience with post-grad degrees.
Yup, that's the topic I was referring too. Huge on this board. Just look around a bit.
klone, MSN, RN
14,856 Posts
I was bored
You're welcome
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
Over the years, I have noticed a trend towards a higher respect for college degrees and formal education, but also a loss of respect for hands on skills, hard-won experience and bedside nursing.
This should answer some of your question.
Good Morning, Gil
607 Posts
Any school that has any sort of good reputation requires clinical experience as an admission requirement for MSN entry, even if it is just 1 year. Depending on the person and the program, 2 years is enough, I believe for the FNP or CRNA route. Nursing education requires 5 years, I would say, even for fast learners.
There are schools that allow people to go right into the FNP role with another bachelor's degree, and these are well-respected programs, but most people still believe you should have experience first. And, with a saturated market of FNP's (or at least it seems to be very popular lately), it can only help you.