Published Apr 12, 2014
Unique rn
7 Posts
Hello everyone! I need your insight and experience from my interview. There was a short application online that doesn't require submit resume just the basic names and position, etc. I did that then after about three weeks they call me to come in and talk. I come in and ask what position and time of day I'm interested in and experience. I'm a new grad so I don't have any experience just only my clinicals. The director of nursing also let me fill out a personality questionnaire like if I smoke weed etc. then she let me talk to the supervisor ( peer interview). The supervisor even introduce me to others that I'm a new nurse. I also got to walk on the floor they are hiring. then when I spoke with her she said that interview will stop until next week. Now it has been two weeks. I call her three times and she always said let me tell them (HR) to call you and "we will call you" but never give me an answer like "a decision has not been mad yet" or I'm hired or not hired. I even left a voice message in the HR and they never call back. What kind of management is this? I can't imagine if I'm hired how it is will be working here. Anyway I'm a new grad and it it hard to find a job here. I will take anything if they hired. please tell me what do you think does it mean I'm hired or not by the clues I'm given. I am certain I will not call them Again because they won't pick up anymore after that. I don't call everyday just only three times to the director of nursing because she doesn't say anything like let them call me or we will call you and it has been two weeks already. Which I believe she won't. I will put this behind me and think that I did not get hired and look for other jobs because most of the time they will not call if I'm not hired. Ok tell me what ya think.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
1. I think your post is difficult to read and understand. I am not a grammar police, but this really needs work.
2. I've been a DON. It's an overwhelming job most days and her priority is not necessarily going to be the new grad desperate for a job. There are a ton of other issues to manage in his/her position. She'll get to you when she has time (if she is interested).
3. It's always appropriate to follow up in a polite manner. If you have followed up 3 times than it's time to let it go and move on. Either she is not interested in you or she will get around to hiring you at some point down the road. If by that time you've already found another position it's her loss.
475 Posts
1. I think your post is difficult to read and understand. I am not a grammar police, but this really needs work.2. I've been a DON. It's an overwhelming job most days and her priority is not necessarily going to be the new grad desperate for a job. There are a ton of other issues to manage in his/her position. She'll get to you when she has time (if she is interested).3. It's always appropriate to follow up in a polite manner. If you have followed up 3 times than it's time to let it go and move on. Either she is not interested in you or she will get around to hiring you at some point down the road. If by that time you've already found another position it's her loss.
I agree with this. It is very difficult to understand your post, and I think following up 3 times is very inappropriate. I think that if they were interested than that could have even ruined it, you should only follow up once. You need to let go and move on. Do not expect them to call, and if they do than that is great but if they don't then you are still looking for more opportunities.
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
I think you didn't get the job. Keep applying elsewhere. Work on your grammar and written communication skills.