New Grad Nurse looking to get into Periop Nursing


Hi all,

I am a New Grad Nurse in Colorado and just got an interview for a Periop Training 101 course within HealthOne's health system. I haven't been exposed to much OR nursing but it looks like it is technical nursing skills that I would enjoy.

Can you tell me what a day in OR nursing is like?

Also, what type of interview questions might I be asked?

I appreciate any insight.


Hi I am a new grad who was hired in the OR. I start next Tuesday. Did you already interview? How was it?

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Did you go through with the program? I have an interview for the same program this upcoming week and am curious as to how it went.


I also have an interview for this program in a few days. any insight into the program from anyone?

thank you !

I've interview for 2 OR programs. They are looking for someone who is passionate about the OR, someone who is confident that the OR is where they want to be. It cost alot of money to train someone in the OR (like 70,000). They want someone who can handle stress, good with technology, and a team player.

Specializes in OR.

I've heard a similar cost-per-training quoted to me -- where do these numbers come from -- how do they break down?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
I've heard a similar cost-per-training quoted to me -- where do these numbers come from -- how do they break down?

The cost of paying two salaries for one person's work for the time you are working one on one with your preceptor(s)

the cost to purchase the orientation program if applicable (AORN's Periop101 is surprisingly expensive

the cost of any other classes you have to take (CPR, ACLS)

Here's a calculator that AORN provides- not sure how current some of the listed costs are.

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