New grad nicu interview @ UCSF

Specialties NICU


Hi everyone!

I'm a recent new grad who is fortunate to have an upcoming interview at UCSF's Intensive Care Nursery. I'm really excited to have this opportunity and am trying to prepare myself as best possible. I have little information about the interview process other than it will be me interviewing with the Unit Manager, two assistant managers and an educator. If anyone out there has any tips or advice, I certainly would appreciate it.

lizlemonrn thank you for taking the time to post.

I really liked your positive attitude!!!

Congratulations, I am sure it's going to be every bit of exciting/terrifying/challenging and awesome!!!!


lizlemonrn, thank you for posting your experience and the encouraging words.

I am a new grad who just graduated last week with a BSN. I'm currently studying for my boards and job hunting everywhere that will take me. Similar to all the posters on this thread, my dream and ultimate goal is to be a NICU nurse. I can not see myself working anywhere else. It is a bit discouraging to work so hard and knowing exactly what you want may not take you there initially. However, just having a positive attitude and never give up on your dream will hopefully open you to bigger doors/opportunities.

Thanks and goodluck to all of us.

What NICU did you apply for? Thanks!

Does anyone have any advice on interviewing with UCSF's Intensive Care Nursery?? Thanks in advance!

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