Published Sep 5, 2014
45 Posts
I'm going to try and keep this short. I recently got my 1st nursing job for Med/Surg. If you asked me if I would ever so Med/surg, I'd say in a cold day in hell. Well after applying to jobs that I had a passion for (OR, PACU,Pre-op), no call backs and recruiter telling me the programs for new grads are closed till the end of the year. So I decided to do med/surg. I've finished my class room orientation and I couldn't be any less excited. The thought of having to work makes me so unhappy and makes me what to cry .I hate dealing with sick people, vents, trachs, turning and dressing changes. I feel like I'm not ready to go on the floor or if I'll be any good at med/surg. I was wondering if anyone has any tips or advise to get through me through.
3,445 Posts
You just started! That is not to say that you will love med-surg any more two years from now (because I certainly dont and am trying to change specialties -- which BTW is not as easy as people think after doing med-surg when you are competing with other candidates that waltz in with direct experience that the department finds more appealing). Anyway, I am just grateful to have a JOB in this economy, and I know eventually my turn will come to leave my unit. I dont plan to ever come back to med-surg, but I am grateful I never became a new grad unemployed statistic, and better yet, I did get some good clinical skills along the way. Hang in there, it does get somewhat better once you get the hang of it, but I am sure you will always want out in some way. And you will get out when the time is right. And who knows? In some rare stroke of luck you might like it. Not that this ever happened to me lol.
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182 Posts
I was the same way, HATED med/surg clinicals and even during my classroom orientation thought to myself "this will be horrible for the next 1-2 years until I can get into my chosen field". Long story short, I LOVE my job. I still will be applying for maternity jobs once my first year in med/surg is up, but I actually enjoy going to work. I can't picture myself doing med/surg for very long but in the meantime, it could be a lot worse.
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
My advice is to quit. Your co workers don't need that negativity. They need a nurse that cares about their patients and the floor in general.
Yeah, flame me for my opinion. But it's that attitude that makes a floor difficult to work, not the patients. As a team, you can do and accomplish anything. There is no magic wand that we can wave too help you get through it.
update: I finished my 1week of orientation. I'm surprised that I like it as much as I do. I'm not the type if person that would add negativity to a group if I don't like something. Everyone is really nice and helpful.