new grad no job DEPRESSION!

Nurses LPN/LVN


  1. what was the average amount of time it took you to find a job?

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okay seriously im starting to feel SO depressed because its been two weeks since ive put in like 1000000 applications! and nothing! not one call lol. okay i know its the holidays and all but GEEZ! lol not even a couple emails ? =[ whats everyones expirience like with jobs when you were a new grad?

I was newly licensed last year January. I applied to many places just like you. After about two months an agency called me up & I've been working for them ever since. After a while I started receiving calls from places I applied to months ago. In a nut shell, some places take about 3-4 months to call you back idk why. However once you get your experience and post Ya resume on monster or indeed and other sites, many places will start ringing like crazy. Be patient. In time they will start calling but do not give up !

I passed boards Oct 31... I could officially start looking for jobs. No one hired throughout the holidays! So I'd put Ina few apps here and there but then one February March rolled around I applied places all the time...and I called these places as well! It took me a while but I found one a few months later. I was limited also with the places I could apply because I am a single mom with no help where I currently live. Don't give up :)

Did you get hired yet?

Specializes in Emergency Department.
And if you do a walk-in, ALWAYS be very, very nice to the receptionist, who is probably the first person to make an opinion of you.

I worked one place many years ago where the receptionist would give a heads-up call to any dept when she saw a good possible candidate. I pretty much hired every CNA she called about.

That was back in the day when there was a TRUE NURSE shortage and NO nurse every left WITHOUT an interview, even a preliminary one by SOMEONE in nsg administration after the receptionist called. The DON made the final interview.

So be nice to the front desk staff.

Don't just be nice to the receptionist, be nice to everyone you meet there. This is one of those few times I mean always... because we're taught to be suspicious of "always" and "never" statements... this is one of those times to disregard that... always be nice to everyone you meet. The receptionist may be just one of the people that the manager will poll about you after you're gone. The "environmental services" staff might be asked about you. Often they can seem to be part of the "background noise" and you might not exactly notice them. They're important. The CNA that you met could also be asked about you. They're important. You never know who the manager will poll or will trust as far as who will fit there.

Also, take careful note of how they treat you. You're checking them out too. Listen to your gut about things...

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