I'v seen it in a few forms. I had "new-grad-itis" in the timid form. I was afraid of everything. I had twitches and sweats if I actually had to touch a pt. Thank goodness it ran its course in about 2-3 weeks of ER orientation. Oh, and a good dose of ACLS and PALS helped me get over it.
We have recently hired a few new grads into our little ER, and I could use a little advice in coping. The new grad's with my form of new-grad-itis are ok. I can relate. it is the second form that is making me want to commit sideways. The second form comes with a heavy dose of "I know it all" and "tech's are to be used in any way I see fit" In this particular case one side effect seems to be "out of my way, I need code experience" No lie, I was literally pushed out of a door way so new grad could get her "experience" with a code.
I like working where I am at. But, seriously I am having such a hard time working with someone with "new-grad-itis" Please tell me this too shall pass? and if it is chronic? HOW do you cope with difficult co-workers?