New Grad Interviews - What should I take?

Nurses Nurse Beth


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Hello Nurse Beth!

I have two new grad interviews coming up, and both are panel interviews. I know that I need to take several copies of my resume, but one interview requires me to bring transcript and letters of reference if available. Do you think I need to take multiple copies of those as well, or just one set of transcript and references and then several resumes?

Thank you!

Dear What to Take,

Congrats on landing two interviews!

Make several packets composed of your:

  • Resume
  • Letters of Reference
  • Transcript

Bring plenty of packets to make sure there are enough for all the interviewers. Sometimes there are more interviewers than anticipated, as the hiring manager can enlist a Charge Nurse at the last minute and say Come along with me.” It's frustrating for an interviewer not to have their own packet to refer to.

Re: Including your transcript. Transcripts are not typically included in a portfolio packet, but of course you will include it for the employer who requested it.

In general, and if not asked for, I would not include it unless your GPA is high (>3.75). Otherwise it's a distraction, and not an enhancement.

A tip that can help you to stand out is to include a business size card with your photo in your portfolio. After a long day of interviewing, interviewers tend to forget who said what, and seeing your picture will refresh their memory and impression of you. (Never put your photo on a resume, however.)

Follow up with a brief thank you note or email, one to each interviewer. It can be helpful to say I was the one who came in right after lunch” or something similar to jog their memory.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth


Specializes in none yet.

This kind of advice is what new grads need when looking for jobs. It would be nice if nursing schools education included these tips for nursing students.

Specializes in Medical Surgical & Nursing Manaagement.

And PLEASE research the institution that is interviewing you! Do your research........are they Magnet? Do they have awards? etc.

I believe you should bring your transcript, we ask for it because we only hire BSNs and have a minimum GPA requirement. Be prepared to discuss your grades, your favorite clinicals and why you chose to interview at that institution.


Nurse Beth thank you so much for all the help! I swear I've been reading your stuff and your NurseCode website religiously. You are a very good resource! I read in one of our things advice for scenario questions which definitely helped me because I had like...7 of them! :***:

And learner1108, our school actually does tell us most of this type of stuff, and they make us practice resume, cover letter, thank you note lol but this particular question I just didn't know the answer to!

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
Nurse Beth thank you so much for all the help! I swear I've been reading your stuff and your NurseCode website religiously. You are a very good resource! I read in one of our things advice for scenario questions which definitely helped me because I had like...7 of them! :***:

And learner1108, our school actually does tell us most of this type of stuff, and they make us practice resume, cover letter, thank you note lol but this particular question I just didn't know the answer to!

Thanks for your kind words. I love hearing that nursing schools are beginning to help/prepare students in this way.

You are on the right track. Condensed transcripts, copied and submitted per their requirement sounds like an HR or particular manager's request. Most won't look deeply into them, but I like the point that if the GPA is lower, than do not include. Does GPA really matter after you have passed NCLEX and been licensed?

Using a photo, like a passport or other professional photo, is a great way to help them remember you.

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