Published Oct 15, 2014
48 Posts
I have an interview tomorrow in the inpatient surgical department i am extremely nervous!!! because with anxiety i forget my answers and have a hard time wording what i want to say, any tips, any interview questions i should be focusing on the most?!!! Thanks
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
Write out responses to the questions and review them prior to the interview. I've found this helps. There are many standard interview Q and A in the nursing careers section here on AN that you will find useful.
107 Posts
Congrats starlane, I too have interviews coming up, I've researched the departments asked around friends to find out information on the hospital. I would recommend revise your post - surgical nursing interventions, work out priorities for what kind of patient should be seen first if you are busy and follow joanna73's suggestion of the Q&As.
I'm wondering how much depth I should go into for a RPN cardiology position I'm being interviewed for on Monday, I have taken ACLS, learnt ECG interpretation (not yet done an interpretation course to have it on a piece of paper), revised my heart physiology, common medications, S&S of heart failure and studied common health teaching by cardiology nurses. I'm now not sure what else I should cover in the time I have left any suggestions both specific and general?
202 Posts
Relaxingbath, I think you're pretty well covered in terms of cardio-specific things. Plan out some answers to more general questions like:
-what would you say is your biggest weakness?
-What is your biggest strength?
-Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult patient/coworker and how it turned out.
-Tell me how you would prioritize care for a full load of patients
-Why do you want to work here?
-Why did you go into nursing?
Aside from those questions, many employers present case studies and look for specific responses. Be familiar with how you might handle someone with chest pain, MI, a diabetic, as well as the significance of certain lab values.
Also be able to discuss the mission statement, values, and how they apply to your perception of the job.
Thanks for all the advice, interview at internal medicine went well I hope, It was quite possibly the hardest interview I had particularly the scenario based questions I would have preferred to talk through my ideas with the managers instead of writing them down as a lot of my answers turned into if this then do this but if that then do this followed by this if and that.
My interview with cardiology was cancelled for a second time! This now pushes me out of my new grad initiative the HR specialist seems to think she can arrange an extension if I am successful when I finally get interviewed. Hope your interview went well starlane.
Glad to hear that the interview went well! Sorry to hear about the other one.
vintage_RN, BSN, RN
717 Posts
I work on an inpatient surgical unit. My interview had basic questions such as strengths/weaknesses, how you handled a tough situation etc. Also I had questions such as, what would you do if a dr. asked you to do something outside your scope, what are the s&s of hypovolemic shock, what are priority nursing interventions for a post-op pt etc...
good luck!
2nd interview now arranged for Friday all the extra time has given me a chance to read up on lots more heart issues. Anyone recommend some reading on post op nursing interventions that I should read.
You could review the post op surgical chapter in Potter and Perry or any of those nursing texts.
Probably the med surg nursing text or RNAO best practice guidelines
Thank you everyone for responding! and good luck relaxing bath on your interview TOMORROW! my interview went well and i got the job :-) just basic questions really, weakness, strength, describe scope of practice difference btwn rn and rpn, basic scenarios chest pain, pt falling, SOB and prioritizing your preparation i made que cards! --which helped. This is not under the new grad initiative but anyways hopefully all goes well!! Let us know how your interview went :-) good luck!!! another thing that helps is to pick categories ex. leadership, communication, organization, caring, critical thinking etc and for each category find an example of a time u showed this skill and despite the question you can use the multiple examples you brainstormed in a few questions so if u have an example for critical thinking that can be used for both the direct question "Describe a situation where you had to use critical thinking skills?" or "Describe a difficult/challenging situation? What steps did you take to solve this problem"