Published Oct 1, 2005
78 Posts
Hello everyone,
I had to leave the nursing home I was working after 2 Weekends. I don't feel I received sufficient orientation(3) and when I asked for more I was offered to move to a different shift. I refused b/c it was not the shift I was hired and when I applied for the job it was clear I was a new nurse. I had to talk with the DON to receive more orientation. I received 2 more days of orientation and I saw 2 more nurses had been hired. I shed alot of tears and I didn't feel safe working there, but I thought it was the fact that I was new. I also felt like it was me, that I wasn't catching on fast enough, I talked with the 3rd shift nurse and she told me they were taking me too fast. I was again asked to work 3 to 11, because they felt I couldn't handle the baylor shift and they prefer I didn't work that shift. I refused and I was told that was available. I thought the facility would be ideal for me being new b/c it was on 57 residents and 4 or 5 treatment over the whole building. I had a really bad experience at this place, I really didn't feel supported. I found out the nurse on day shift was fired and the two nurses that were hired 1 took day shift and the other the baylor shift. It seems to me that I never really had a chance. I didn't want to work in my home town but I applied today and got hired for 3 to 11 @ 17/hr. It is a bigger facility, but I was told they orientate new nurses 3 or 4 weeks, so I'm looking for at least 2 weeks(they'll tell you anything to get you hired).
I will never forget the experience I had there. It put a bad taste in my mouth for nursing. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but the support was not there. I guess and a little stronger, wiser and hard up. I know this is only just the begining of the Wonderful world of Nursing. I really miss my residents it seemed as if some of them really needed me to listen:crying2:
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
I am so sorry you had a difficult and disturbing first job experience. I do think that happens to all of us at one time or another. Please do not be discouraged, please do keep working, seeking knowledge and experience, and attempting to do the best job you can do. It may take a little time, another bad experience or two, but in the end, you will find your nitch, your place in the wide open field of nursing. I wish you the best and hope you continue to come here and share you feelings and experiences with us. Have a blessed day.
543 Posts
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
OH man! My first job was in a neurovasc unit in a large hospital. NIGHTMARE CITY! I now know what it truely means when people say the phrase "nurses eat their young". Nothing I did was good enough even if I did amazing things for my patients (yeah, by treating them as a member of their healthcare team! This was frowned upon..."if you make them too involved they will argue"...ummmm don't they have that right, and informed concent mean anything???).
I left that job after 9 horrible months of crying every time I got in my car to go to work. This was NOT worth it to me!!!!!!
I feared..."this is what nursing is??? I worked this hard for this???"
I took on two more jobs, one that I loved...a camp nurse for a local outdoor school program...alas, I had a young one at home and couldn't be gone for 3 months (with only Sat/Sun to return home, catch some shut eye and return). It was also only seasonal so I had to give it up (I still cry and long for that job!).
The second was a developmentally disabled home of 6 very advanced patients. It was too much for one nurse to handle well, so I was putting in all ALL my time (home and work) doing all that needed to be done. My hubby had a heart attack two months into this job, and had to leave it...but that was okay with me (oh he was fine by the way) because I didn't like 60+ hour work weeks and 2 mandatory educational meetings a week on how to LET the patient hit you! Okay no thanks!
THen I found the assisted living I now work in (for three years now). Yes, it was very strange and different...and took me a long time to understand the differences between LTC, SNF and assisted living. But the people I work with are wonderful, understanding and a real family! That made the difference and well worth the experience of the other jobs to help me to appreciate that aspect!
Don't worry about finding your job as much as finding your niche! That overall is most important! I mean, a job is a job...but a niche makes you LIKE your job...and for me, all that schooling and hard work...well...that is what I was shooting for!!!!!!
Good luck to you! I am sure you will find your niche...just keep the faith and keep to your own goals of WHERE you wish to be!
NickiLaughs, ADN, BSN, RN
2,387 Posts
I quit my first job after 4 months, my second one after 2 weeks. and am about to start my 3rd.
This ratio thing is ridiculous. There should be some sort of formal ratio law in long term cares.
I had 38 patients at my first facility, this new one i'll have closer to 50.
It seems totally unfair to the residents.
I have heard that there are actually enough nurses, but many have left the field because of the ratios or lack thereof. Perhaps if a lower ratio was enforced, than we'd see less burnout, and more nurses staying in the field!
Just an idea.