Published Aug 22, 2005
59 Posts
I am a new Grad going into PEDS at a large teaching hospital. I am really excited, but nervous of course. I did share time on the unit and I loved it, manager was so nice, and so was the staff. My question is any pointers for a newbie and a good pediatric book I can buy for reference. The one I had in school I did not care for... Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Thanks So Much :)
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Harriet Lane is the best pediatric resource book that there is. And it fits in a warm up jacket pocket. :)
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Be sure you take a PALS certification course!!
Good luck with peds. I think you will love it!!
MissJoRN, RN
414 Posts
Harriet Lane is great, any unit should have a few of the latest edition availbale for nurses and residents (I think the latest is blue?) I also have a "Mosby's Pediatric Reference" that comes in handy. I picked that up at a chain bookstore. Not sure what book you had in school but Whaley an Wong's Essentail of Pediatric Nursing is the standard. I know schools that use other books and students aren't to happy, I've recomended that the get Wong's instead, but since you're done with school, I bet you won't be refering to a big textbook too often!
jeepgirl, LPN, NP
851 Posts
Harriet is good, but your unit should have a recent copy. One came out this month. Also, Lexi-Comp's pediatric drug book is awesome. Oh, and harriet comes with "free" PDA software.
Good luck in peds and congrats on your graduation!!
The latest one is like a pink or burgendy (i forget... a new one came out this month!!).
Thanks for all the suggestions. I can not wait to start. I will be at hopkins in the Children Center. The share time I did there was great, everyone was really nice, and the manager was really nice too. It has been my dream to go into Peds and I am SOOOO Excited!!!
Thanks Everyone