New Grad cannot find employment in NJ, Help!



A friend of mine graduated in May and has been unable to find employment in NJ/Pa. Each facility she applies to request 1-2 years experience. The only field of nursing that has responded to her resume has been mental health. She is holding out hoping a job that requires more nursing skills becomes available. She is very bright, articulate and will be an amazing nurse! She is starting to lose faith that she will ever find a job and I'm trying to keep her chin up.

I never realized how lucky I was to find employment after graduation. I was under the tuition reimbursement program that requires 1-year of work with that institution. I always heard nurses were in such demand and it just does seem so in this case.

Does anyone have any suggestions as how to make yourself more attractive to employers when having no experience? She has applied online, gone to career fairs and finally the facility. She has not had one interview and she really needs this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :typing

try ordering the nursing spectrum or advance for nurses magazine and find the hospials that hire new grads

your friend did get called for a job but she is not interested in mentalhealth right?

on my resume on top i usually put new grad seeks employment in the med surge unit

Yes, a mental health facility did have an interest, but she really would like to srart a career in Med/Surg, L&D, Tele, etc... She does receive those publications and has attended several career fairs.

hospitals hire cetain times of the year also she should find out when..or perhaps she has to take a look at her resume make sure its ok

med surge and tele they are always looking for nurses

i lived in ny and applied to northshore health systems and i pplied to other hospitals also what i do is become friendly with the recruiter and that seem to work

even if they ignore me i become persistent dropping them a line and letting them know how interested i am and that seem to work

but if i needed cash in this tough economy i would probable take what i can get until i get what i want..but then again some times u just dont like a certain area in nursing like i dont and will never be a pediatric nurse

I wish I could offer some advice. I'm a brand new grad myself also in NJ and I can't find a job either out of the 21 people I graduated with only 3 have jobs, it's a tough market. It really sucks

may be you all have to move to NY where the jobs are...nursing jobs are not hard to find in NY

All I can recommend is that she applied to job that has a new grad internship program. Not sure what healthcare organizations are in her area. But maybe she can try applying to hopspitals, nursing homes, clinics, doctor offices, etc. Get some experience until she can move on up after her first year. Hope this helps.

I've been out of school since August and have still not found a job. I would love to know where the nursing shortage is. Most employers want experience but none want to give it. Only classmates who have a job had already been CNAs at their facility before school. I have sent out over 100 resumes and still nothing. HELP!

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