New to Board and Forum


Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care, Gero, dementia.


I am a hospice & palliative care nurse, worked for 4+ years in an inpt setting (VA, mostly SNF but had a hospice & palliative care ward), just finished a 9 month Palliative Care Fellowship (Tuesday of this week!) also VA but hospital based -- had 2 MD fellows, a psychology fellow, SW fellow, 2 chaplain fellows and me. The position was geared towards an NP but it was a good fit, I learned lots, and got my CHPN certification during it.

Before that I was a many year volunteer at a facility for people with end-stage AIDS (this was pre-retrovirus cocktail), and worked in an adult foster care home for people with HIV/AIDS

I am currently a PhD student, finished with course work and working on my first 3 chapters so that I can defend my proposal and start recruiting/data gathering. My dissertation will be on the experience of family members of assisted living residents enrolled in hospice. It's going to be very strange to not be in a clinical setting for the next while.

Looking forward to following posts, adding my 2 cents occasionally and hopefully using this board as a break rather than an too effective procrastination device.

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Welcome to Allnurses!

Welcome to allnurses! :balloons:

I've enjoyed and appreciated your few posts that I've happened to see so far -- I look forward to more in the future! :)

Specializes in HH, Med/surg- liver & kidney transplant, ortho, ++.

Welcome fellow Oregonian. It's going to be a super nice sunny weekend. is fantastic. I am totally addicted. I check this site many times daily (totally hooked).


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