Never been an OB nurse help!


Specializes in BNAT instructor, ICU, Hospice,triage.

But my doc measures my belly and does this adding thing every time to estimate how big the baby is. And every time for 3 visits now he's come up with like 8lbs. 3oz. Actually today it was 8lb. 1oz. I just know he added wrong but I can't find the equation anywhere that he uses. He measures my belly vertically and then measures the sides and adds those up. Then I think he adds 6 and subracts 10 and that number is your baby's weight or something? I think he added wrong and I think it should've been 9lbs. 1 oz. today. But I can't find it on the internet anywhere. Do you know it?

Specializes in M/S, Tele, Sub (stepdown), Hospice.

Is this a personal question rather than a nursing question??

I don't remember learning that in nursing school. I remember estimating gestational age by measurements, but nothing about weight. Sorry.

I'm not an OB nurse, just an experienced Momma! From my experience with four children, those are never on target. My last, they said she'd be 9-10lbs, she was 7 lbs 6 oz. Even the L&D felt my stomach and said did they estimate the weight on this baby! I said yes, they said 9-10lbs. Nope! Wasn't right... sometimes it's under sometimes it's over. Sorry that I do not know how to do the measurements but I definitely wouldn't hang on to what they say because it's rarely right.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Estimated fetal weight is just that - an estimate. Measuring externally, it's virtually impossible to make more than 'good guess.' Even ultrasounds - which measure femur length, crown-to-rump length, and head circumference - are notoriously inaccurate.

If you've got questions, you should ask him how he comes up with the weights he's telling you.

I'd ask your doctor the next time you see him.

Fundal height is measured(top of uterus), approx measureof gestational age. Even ultrasounds are plus or minus two pounds. RELAX! My daughter was told that her youngest would be her biggest..and he was the smallest, by almost 2 lbs.

Never heard of that method of estimating fetal weight.

Studies have shown that the most effective method of estimating fetal weight is a skilled provider putting their hands on the belly to feel the baby. Ultrasound is second best.

I wouldn't worry too much about the size of the baby- 7 lb 8 oz is average which we seem to forget. 8-9 pounds is getting bigger but not huge.

Specializes in OB, NICU, Nursing Education (academic).

I've never heard of this method that you describe. Maybe it's his own special "recipe" for estimating weight?

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