Neuropathy & it's effects


Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, Home Health, Oncology.


i am an old nurse!! i'm 63 yrs old. i've worked for 42 yrs as an rn.

the problem---peripheral neuropathy. as the years have gone by, it has gotten progressively worse--even tho i keep my sugars under 95 almost 100% of the time.

i work as a bedside nurse on a very busy chicago hospital---i work night shift; i have worked nights for almost 33 yrs. or so. i am certified in oncology. we are a teaching hospital.

well, since i can no longer really feel my feet, i need to use a cane. i had been using it everyplace but at work, but now i can't do without it at all.

well, since i can't really use the cane while doing pt. care, i was at an impass.

finally, at the end of november, i decided to file for disability at work. they pay 75% of your base pay when you are on disability. however, you can also do restricted duty, if the md certufies you.

so, in dec. i started restricted duty. this means i work 0900-1730. mon-fri.

i am doing paper work---nothing that requires walking. i do chart audits & other audits.

also, i am writing out some formal discharge instructions for post chemo pt's.

it's really different from what we usually do; plus working days is really different!!

so what's the problem????????????????? in my mind,. i guess i feel like i have lost my whole identity. i can't seem to shake it. i sit here & know there are things i should be helping with, but can't any more.

oh well. i know---people have said--"enjoy, you have paid you're dues". well, easier said then done--------lol

plus, this can only last for 9 mon. there will be about 5 months or so before i will be ready for medicare, so i need to find something i can do that will have insurance benefits.

any ideas?? any sites you all know of where nurses with disabilities can find job listings.

like jobs you can do sitting down??

thanks, friends!!

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Hi Nursemary, My heart goes out to you. My mom is 84 and for the past year has said the same thing."I can't feel my feet" She had always been active around the house. I tried a cane but she said it didn't help. She also describes it "like walking on water-filled balloons". She is not diabetic and I am trying to find her a new doctor who can maybe prescribe something to improve the circulation. .......But for you I would suggest teaching. You won't have to be on your feet that much, esp. in the classroom. It is very rewarding and your experience will make it easy for you! Check into it! Take care....:nurse:

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

i am an old nurse!! i'm 63 yrs old. i've worked for 42 yrs as an rn.

the problem---peripheral neuropathy. as the years have gone by, it has gotten progressively worse--even tho i keep my sugars under 95 almost 100% of the time.

i work as a bedside nurse on a very busy chicago hospital---i work night shift; i have worked nights for almost 33 yrs. or so. i am certified in oncology. we are a teaching hospital.

well, since i can no longer really feel my feet, i need to use a cane. i had been using it everyplace but at work, but now i can't do without it at all.

well, since i can't really use the cane while doing pt. care, i was at an impass.

finally, at the end of november, i decided to file for disability at work. they pay 75% of your base pay when you are on disability. however, you can also do restricted duty, if the md certufies you.

so, in dec. i started restricted duty. this means i work 0900-1730. mon-fri.

i am doing paper work---nothing that requires walking. i do chart audits & other audits.

also, i am writing out some formal discharge instructions for post chemo pt's.

it's really different from what we usually do; plus working days is really different!!

so what's the problem????????????????? in my mind,. i guess i feel like i have lost my whole identity. i can't seem to shake it. i sit here & know there are things i should be helping with, but can't any more.

oh well. i know---people have said--"enjoy, you have paid you're dues". well, easier said then done--------lol

plus, this can only last for 9 mon. there will be about 5 months or so before i will be ready for medicare, so i need to find something i can do that will have insurance benefits.

any ideas?? any sites you all know of where nurses with disabilities can find job listings.

like jobs you can do sitting down??

thanks, friends!!

?? ltc, you would blend right in in our facility, night charge nurse, has to use cane, social worker scooter...... i never thought i would enjoy ltc, but it has been an eye opener:heartbeat

Specializes in Assisted Living.

I don't want to be a whiner or complainer, but Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy absolutely inhibits physical and mental/emotional cabilities in the field of nursing! After working as an LPN for over 15 years (plus 5 years previously as an STNA in a skilled nursing home) I have joined an Assisted Living Facility with my parent company!

I was denied Social Security disability benefits for my debilitating DPN last year. Since I will turn 62 this year, I will take early retirement this summer. I'm hoping that I'll be able to continue working a few hours a pay-period in order to pay into payroll taxes this year.A couple of my paychecks were $0 last year due to the voluntary deductions from state & federal income taxes withdrawn & limited "on call" scheduling.

I was a stay at home mom for most of my life & my DH earned enough that would take of our family until the late 80"s until Reaganomics kicked in & I was obligated to go back to work (at minimum wage) to put food on the table & help with a a house payment. I realize I have it "good" because I still have a job (with some pretty good 'job security'), but i really empathize with those that are struggling with this disasterous economy.

I honestly believe that things will get better within the next year or so.....I wish the prosperity will come much sooner, but I'm not that optomistic. I empathize & pray that those in dire straights are able to recover from this miserable situation. You folks are absolutely IN MY PRAYERS!!!

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