NET Study Guides

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


:o help! What is a good study guide for the NET exam? Did the study guide help you was it worth the money?

YES. You need to get it and study the reading comp. part. Just took the NET today and I wish I would have spent more time studying the reading comp.

yes, i agree. the net study guide is worth it!!! it gives you a better idea of what to expect. get the guide!!!

Specializes in Neuro.


try this website I bought the book, but this site was so much more like the actual test than the book was.

Thanks laura.

I wish I could have had that site 2 days ago!! lol

Thanks for the advice/site

Specializes in Neuro.

You are welcome, jon. I too wished that I had known about it before I took my test. It is a great site and someone on another post in this forum had posted the site. I had gone online looking anywhere I could for some practice, but never could find anything. So if it can help someone else, I am glad to share!!

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