nervous about exam results!!


so i took my nclex rn exam today for the 4th time. i know thats a lot of times!! the first time i didnt study the second time i think i was so down about failing the first time i was in a haze also i was moving at the time to a new city. third time i just got a job as an lpn and i think i was more concentrated on that then i was for boards. each time i got 265 questions and was either near passing or above passing on all of them. this time i took it and i got 75 questions. no math. no lab values. no infection control!!! and of course thats what i studied a lot of!! i prayed so much and had my fiance praying for me and all my residents at a nursing home praying for me!!! i studied so much (thats what i feel at least) and i did good throughout nursing school. never failed a class never came close to failing! this time i felt like i was just going to do it and try to get it over with because im also getting married in a month. on the 75th question i closed my eyes and prayed that it would stop after 75 and it did. i did the pvt for the past 3 tests and im trying to hold of not to do it this one but its so hard!!! i almost feel like i passed but i dont want to feel like that because im scared if i do feel that way then i for sure failed!!! so i dont know if i should try pvt to get my mind off of it and find out if i passed or not!! or if i should wait the 2 days. in some way i feel like if i try it since i failed the previous 3 times and thats how i found out that it will jinx me. i know it sounds ridiculous!!! any opinions???? thanks! also i would like to say that i have never posted on this site but reading through peoples post have inspired me to join this website and believe in prayer for the nclex because thats all ive been doing!!!

Good luck to you! I know how anxious you must feel. I took mine last Saturday and I'm still waiting for my BON to update my license. I did the PVT though, I couldn't NOT know! I know personally that there was NO WAY I could stand not doing the PVT.

So the last 3 times you did the PVT it took you to the cc page?

yes the previous 3 times i took it i did the trick and got the cc page everytime so i was a little discourage about doing it this time but reading through the pearson vue trick forum i finally decided to do it and just get it over with... and i got the good pop up. i keep checking it every 30 mins to make sure that its right so hopefully thursday i will find out from the unoffical results and i still wont believe it till i have that license in my hand!!!! im still praying and i have never prayed this hard before in life!! lets hope i keep the good pop up this time!!

I hope so!! Sending lots of positive vibes your way!!

dont worry relax. Even if you did pass theres no point in being upset about it. start studying for your next exam!

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