neonatal nursing- where do i start?

World International


hello, i found this site but looking for some information on neonatal nusring, and wondered if any one could help me. I have been a nanny (qualified) for 10 1/2 years and now at the old age of 28 feel i am ready to do something a little diffrent, but still with new borns, i am thinking of 2 options, a midwife or neonatal nusre, i have kept up todate with my training inc as a maturninty nusre/nanny, and am doing a doula course later this year.

I would like to know if anyone has any ideas about where i should start, which courses i need to look at, and any other information that you may think would be helpfull.

Thank You.



some of my cohort had not taken the right exams when at school and had to do an acess course, whereas i was accepted on my btec national that i took 10 years pervious.

but the acess course is free you do it part time and if you haven't done any academic stuff in a while its a good basis.

wish i had done one i struggled with essays as i didn't know how to write in the academic style that uni's want whereas those that had done the acess course had learned that skill there and it was fresh.

local techs i think do it

thanks ayla, i was feeling really down about it, but thats cheered me up loads, do you know if it can be done as a home study or will i need to go back to collage? i will need to move back home with parents, although i'm sure they wont mind. is it just called acess to nursing?

Specializes in NICU and neonatal transport.

I'm a NN nurse.

I did my 3yr diploma at Preston Uni as child branch. Applied for a job on the NNU and did a year course that they run in the NW to give you more neonatal experience and thoery. You can go on the course from child/adult nursing diploma or degree, or your midwifery training.

Good luck, it's great fun x

cabury phone the local tech theres courses run from autunm onwards and i think they are in the eening but you need to check with the tech, but they are part time.


adult nurses can do a neonatas? didn't know that

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