Negativity surrounding nursing

World International


Hi, i'm new here and will introduce myself. My name is Angela and i'm a SAHM to my four beautiful children. I have had the desire to be a nurse for as long as I can remember but life got in the way and now I have reached the age of thirty I have decided it's time for ME! So i'm planning on studying to become an RN beginning next year but I can't help but worry about the negativity that a lot of nurses have about the job and now to read this forum (the main section anyway) and hear what lots of nurses are saying and I think, am I out of my mind?? Is this mainly any overseas perception or are Australian nurses just as fed up with the system? My true interests lie within womens health, paed, or NIC and I truly do believe that nursing is my calling (gosh, i've never used that term before).

So tell me that you love your job and i'm not making a huge mistake....

Thanks for any opinions, Angela

Angela, I live here in the US, and I have the same concerns. I am giving up my teaching career to go to nursing school. It is a change that I have been wanting to make for a long time. However, I read some of the posts on here and ask myself if I am crazy or setting myself up for failure. I wonder if I will be making some of the same comments in a few years.

I worry about changing careers and then being treated like dirt by other nurses, patients, and management. I ask myself what will happen if I go back to school, become a nurse and then make a huge mistake (not intentionally) that hurts or kills someone, or what if I change to nursing and come to hate it as much as some of the people on here seem to hate it. I have wanted to do this for several years and have been excited about it. I will start my nursing program in August. I am excited, but, at the same time, I pray that I'm not making a mistake. So, I hear you. You are not alone with your fears and worries. I feel the same way. I look forward to hearing more from others about this issue. Good luck to you!!

Specializes in Community, Renal, OR.

While it is true that a lot of posts here are negative, be aware that this is is an anonymous forum where nurses can vent their frustration and negativity, and hopefully get some support to overcome poor situations.

I have been a nurse for 30 years, and I love being a nurse, it is who I am.

I have been a theatre nurse, a renal nurse and am now working in community health.

I have met some fabulous nurses over the years who have been inspiring.

My best friends are all nurses, and they are fantastic caring women and men.

I have nurse friends who devote every spare minute to raising money for a third world country and organise their annual leave to go there and make a difference.

Like any profession there are negative situations at times. But the camerarderie that you have between nurses helps to overcome these negative situations.

Nursing is a fantastic and exciting career and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Heloisea3 it's a tough one isn't it. Not that I think anything will stop me studying now my heart is set on it, but those doubts certainly play on your mind. Good luck following your dream!

joannep thankyou for your honest insight, that is how I had perceived nursing, in Australia at least, but I thought perhaps I was being a little naive, great to see that people do love their job and that they wouldn't choose a different path if given the choice.


Specializes in Medical, Paeds, Ob gyn, NICU.

Hi I can understand your concerns, I had/have the same ones myself.

I am in my last year of my nursing degree, and personally I have found that when I have been out on my clinical placements it just felt so darn 'right' that it didn't matter anyway ;)

In fact I am sure that I have found my calling too, when I had a placement in paeds I even had a couple of 'zen moments'

I also did not witness any of the real negative attitudes, just a few times of frustration on the nurses behalfs, and then I got instructed on how to change a doctors mind and convince him it was all his idea in the first place :devil:

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

G'day Angela and WELCOME to allnurses!

Go after your dream m'dear and don't be put off by what you might read or hear. Always remember, what other people post or say is purely their perception of any given event, situation etc. Never allow another persons view influence you in how you perceive something. It's far better to perhaps regret trying, than to regret having never had a go. Remember also, we're allowed "U" turns in this life journey. Believe in yourself and go for it! Until you try, you'll never know.

I wish you all the very best.


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