Published Mar 21, 2008
2 Posts
Hi i'm a 3rd year nursing student and have a fear of drawing blood and IV insertions. I can give injections all day long but the other two get me so sick that I pass out. What can I do to get over this? Everyone tells me something different. The problem is i'm the only one in my class that has this problem. I don't want this to get in the way of my career after i've worked so hard getting to this point. If anyone can help, I would so greatly appreciate it.
54 Posts
Have you already tried it, or are you nervous about your first stick?
Agnes Anne
39 Posts
Never fear....
I was a fainter. I could never give blood 'cause my BP and HR would soar just doing the papaer work, lol.
I took a phlebotomy course and followed it up with a clinical to boot.
By the time I was done I was pretty darn good.... and less freaked out.
I made sure I watched everyone else take their turn in class to desensitize myself.
Try it!
404 Posts
I was the same way with IV's. But mostly just when I was watching others insert them and draw blood. I have found that if I am doing it that it doesn't bother me.
Now, if the needles are directed at me - that's another story! I can poke people all I want, but if I am getting poked - forget it! I always have to sit in that lab chair a little longer than most, if I'm not lying down first! My family has a field-day with that. They always say "how can a nurse be afraid of needles?" Well, I'm not as long as I am the one HOLDING the needle!
bagladyrn, RN
2,286 Posts
If the hospital where you do clinicals has an IV team, ask your instructor if you could arrange an extra clinical day to "shadow" the IV team. Just being there to observe should help you break through this. If no IV team, then maybe shadow the phlebotomist from the lab.
12 Posts
"They always say "how can a nurse be afraid of needles?" Well, I'm not as long as I am the one HOLDING the needle!"
LOL. Great response.
19 Posts
I pass out with needles as well. I am not yet accepted into nursing school and I did not pass out on my last TB test so I'm hoping that this past year working in the hospital has desensitized me:D
1,051 Posts
I think that is my biggest fear also...I almost passed out last month when I was about to get my blood drawn...The sight of needles has me ...God forbid when I have to actually handle one...
I think it's a totally different story when you're on the receiving end of the needle. I am an animal nurse basically, I can give shots, draw blood, start IV's all day on other animals. But if I'm the one expected to get a needle in me wherever and however it's given, it's another story. Can I ask how the nurses out there that are afraid of needles going in themselves, how do you get over it? I don't think I could watch other humans being poked to desensitize myself. Has anyone out there been able to get over their fears of needles?
LOL I don't know if I'll ever get over it! Shots hurt!!! And my fear stems from a poor lab tech trying to get ABGs on me in the ER. He tried 3 times and was fishing around all three times - I've not been a fan of getting "poked" since.
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
It's amazing what you get used to.
I used to eat my Lean Cuisine Chow Mein out of an emesis basin d/t nothing else available (back when they were nuked in plastic bags).... looked like it belonged there; freaked out the docs.
My big phobia was puke. I'd get lightheaded and clammy. Now, all I ask is that someone not get it on my shoes.