Needing Everything


Somethings bugging me... I realize that Head Start is a government program. I am new to school nursing so others may see this necessary.. help me understand if it is because I don't think any of it is needed. Here is the situation...

Head start has, what I would call interagency and early intervention specialist. We have a mental health manager that works with the teachers and other specialist that come to the center to assist in speech. We have some children that have medical problems.. is it necessary for schools to get the entire medical record from every doctor/ specialist they see. I just think that crosses a line.. we are a learning center. That is between the parent and the doctor. However, Head Start has the ability to get a parent to sigh a release form for information from the Health department, Family Services, Hospitals, and doctors/ dentist. How is that?

As I said if that is needed, help me understand.. why?

Specializes in kids.

As I see it, there is a reason they are in the Early Intervention program, which starts at Age 3, correct? There are probably medical and environmental issues that will be noted in the this record, failure to meet milestones, delayed speech etc. It is such a small window yet one of HUGE growth and change. Be curious to see what others think.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

it's nice to get a full record on my preschool disabled, or any student for that matter, but it almost never happens. I take what i can get. If i can get an immunization record and physical without having to sick my flying monkeys, then it's a good day.

Having a full record also helps fill in the things that parents leave out. For example: one of our kids have a swallow eval. and dad said all was good, no changes; we get the report-silent aspiration, needs honey thick liquids. It gives you a clear picture of development and progress too.

Thank you all .. I understand and I don't. There are good points to needing everything. Thank you for explaining. I am trying to wrap my head around all this .:drowning:

Specializes in School nurse.

I would love to have a full record. Think of it this way, we are here to keep them safe and healthy so they can learn right? Knowledge is a tool. We are part of the educational and medical teams and therefore are a bridge between them that allows for greater continuity of care throughout the spectrum.

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