Published Sep 11, 2008
16 Posts
Since my biggest interest is "CAT CD" for study, there is a product that really cought my attention:
5,000 NCLEX Practice Test Questions & Testing Software
Questions Cover All Areas Needed To Pass The NCLEX Exam
Oh, please...personally CAT CD is the very best method to study as if I'm in the real testing.
What are your opinions about this product?
When was the latest update of the CD?
Can the CD works with Windows Vista or XP?
Again, Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) CD is the best method for me to study and I don't want to have a bad experience again because last week I bought a CAT-CD (comes with the book) from Barron's [How to Prepare for the NCLEX-PN, by Vashti Curlin] but the CAT CD can't work in my laptop and I don't know if Barron's has the latest update of the same CAT CD so I can use it in my computer.
Frankly, if buying this item, I don't really care about the book, but the CAT-CD that comes with the book...that's the one I really need.
The only info about this product I got from:
Thanks so much for sharing your opinions about this Book, especially the CAT-CD in it.
98 Posts
I used your link and checked the seler's feedback and did find several comments
1.A little confusing since it comes in package for both LPN and RN; great content!
2. I hope they can segregate LPN issues from RN issues. Otherwise great product!!!
So some of these are related to shipping, etc.
And of course, you might want to wait to see what others people post about it.
Here is the link to feedback
Thanks, clay, for the info. Yes, they don't separate RN - PN in the listing. But it also hard to find the product outside EBay. That's why I need the ISBN# of the item so I can order by myself or to the nearest bookstore.
59 Posts
I am currently studying for my lvn boards and i just enrolled in an RN program tha gave me a QRB of CAT like questions for LVN that is made up from the National League of Nursing.I find it to be very helpful and its not too expensive. $200 for 3 month access. Then click on the link for NLN. The review bank is accessed online each time you take a test and is scored instantly. Just another option.