Published Aug 2, 2016
Nurse Beth, MSN
145 Articles; 4,099 Posts
Hi Nurse Beth,
I've worked as an RN starting out 2.5 yrs in NICU and the past 6yrs in psychiatric nursing. I enjoy it but I find that having a 7 yo daughter with special needs and now a 6 month old son, I long to have either a Mon-Fri and weekend off schedule or maybe work from home. I would like this and still maintain the same salary and strong benefits. Is that realistic? I was thinking of looking into correctional nursing, informatics nursing, or case management.
Please help, I would love your advice!
Dear Needs Mon-Fri,
It's absolutely realistic. The good thing about nursing is that there is always a way to find different shifts and hours as your personal needs change. A shift that worked well for your family a few years back may no longer be ideal.
You mention correctional nursing, and they may have some Mon-Fri positions, but many positions are the same hours as hospital nursing. The benefits are excellent, depending on where you live.
Within the hospital setting, there are many 0900-1700 Mon-Fri jobs, and you mentioned a couple; informatics and case management. There's also education and training, infection prevention, employee health, and more. All can be great choices if you qualify (for example, case management will require a BSN). Have you looked into telephonic nursing? It is a growing field and you can work from home. Examples of employers are large insurance companies, and managed care entities.
If you do not have your BSN, this would be a good investment in your future, and open many more doors for you.
Best of luck,
Nurse Beth
256 Posts
Why not look into telephone triage nursing?
I work from home, and the pay is comparable to slogging on a unit in bedsids pt care.
Everyone features the 4 pm- MN shift, so I bet day shift would be easy to find.
Good luck!
243 Posts
May I also suggest ambulatory nursing? I work in heme/onc Mon-Fri 7:30 am to 4 or 8 to 4:30. You have enough experience to be out-patient ambulatory nurse. I'm thrilled- don't work evenings or nights, no weekends except when on call every 3 months. So much of health care is moving to the out patient setting and it's fast paced and challenging but worth it.
Great suggestion!