Need some ideas

Nurses General Nursing


This isn't really a post asking for advice, I promise. I've got the medical part under control. It's the homecare that I'm struggling with. Here's the deal: My 15yo very mentally handicapped son fell and fractured his hip. He had it pinned yesterday. Now he's non-weight-bearing for 4-6 weeks. Keeping him entertained is going to be a real challenge. We have been home for about 4 hours and already he has tried to sneak out of the bed or the wheelchair 4 times. I literally have to be within a few feet of him at all times. Unfortunately, DH is ill with severe vertigo. In fact, HE was in the ER today for vomiting blood. So I'm pretty much on my own here until he recovers enough to stay upright for more than 3 minutes at a time.

Anybody out there have any suggestions for keeping this kid safe? I'm ready to put him in a restraint and it's not even been 1 day!. I'm afraid to go to sleep. In fact, I've put a little blow-up bed next to his and I PRAY that I hear him if he gets up. If he walks on this leg, it's going to be bad. And God help us if he falls and rebreaks it. We've already been interviewed by CPS once, with promises to come back and check us out more thoroughly(there is a past history of serious falls.) I'm going to make some calls tomorrow--we HAVE to get some extra help with this. DH is disabled himself and I just can't do this alone. I wish DS could go to a rehab facility where there would be more people to help us. Even if I had to spend every night there, at least there would be other people around to provide another set of eyes. And bathroom breaks.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.
I get the feeling with a disabled child you're probably a pretty light sleeper as it is ;)

True. :clown: I've always got one ear cocked for DS. How he got this one past me is a mystery to us all. I've usually got a pretty good handle on what he's doing all the time, but I got involved in some baking and wasn't paying clos attention, I guess. Wham! He hit the floor so hard it rattled the dishes!

Regarding your question about a restraint vest, it sounds like a very good idea to me.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.

We figured out a way to tie his gait belt across the bed rails. It slows him down enough that we can get to him before he escapes. We have put calls in to every agency that i think can help us. I'm considering calling the childrens hospital to discuss readmitting DS to their rehab unit. I figure, they send LOLs to rehab when they break a hip. I wouldn't be averse to doing that to keep him safe.

Specializes in DD/MR, long term care, homecare.

You could also look into if there are any group homes in your area that offer respite care where he could stay for a few weeks until his hip heals. Does he have a county case manager? They should be able to help you.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.
You could also look into if there are any group homes in your area that offer respite care where he could stay for a few weeks until his hip heals. Does he have a county case manager? They should be able to help you.

Thats a good idea. We do have some contacts for respite care. One of them cares specifically for medically fragile children, as a matter of fact. Thanks for the suggestion. My mind is so foggy from exhaustion I can't think so clearly

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