Need Help (School Nursing)


Hi! Good day!

I'm a newly registered nurse and currently hired as the first school nurse at a new school... this job is my first, and im their first school nurse.

im thinking to visit schools to interview their nurses but its summer so my options are limited...

my problem is that the school clinic doesnt have any facilities/materials yet. the school director doesnt know anything about everything the new clinic must have so he assigned it to me. can you guys please give me a list of what a school clinic must have and any advice? please please...

thanks you so much...:nuke:

Specializes in Oncology, Medical.

Well based on my previous schools, when they do the physical exam I remembered some of the instruments like:

BP apparatus, stethoscope, Snellen chart, eye cover, weighing scale, height chart, thermometer, cold/hot bag, cotton balls, alcohol, beds with pillows, chairs, syringes and needles, iodine, some medications for fever and emergency, bandage scissors, gauze, gloves. Well, that's all for a start. Good luck in filling up your clinic!

Specializes in Oncology, Medical.

Im sorry to tell you this but you as a graduate of BSN, it is sad to know that you don't know some of the facilities found in a school clinic. Did you not learn that in school or even notice the facilities in your own school clinic? This bothers me. Hope you get started by requesting some of the materials needed before start of school year this June.

Sorry to have to be so blunt about this, but how in the world are you going to be able to function in the role of the RN when you do not have any expereince, and if it is a new program, then they are probably expecting you to set it up. But little problem with that, you have never worked in one, let alone set up a clinic.

Kids lives are at stake here, what are you going to do in an emergency?

You are going to have to know much more than you learned as a student.

Not sure what this program was thinking, or should say not thinking. You would never see anything like this happening in any other country.

Suggest you start with your regional Dept. of Education and ask the Public Health Nurse to visit your school and provide all the DepEd requirements/guidlines for clinic facilities in the school.

In addition, you ARE the health educator for your students along with your duties as an RN for emergencies and basic care. As an example, you should be responsible for initiating public health issues for your students in hygiene, nutrition etc..promoting early health habits. For example: DepEd guidelines for public health awareness in Oral Hygiene are posted in:,%20s.%202007.pdf

For setting up your clinic, you may wish to study "Principles and Guidlines for School Based Health Centers (New York). This is an excellent guidline to help you determine what facilities and programs you need to focus on.

You have much work to do and I encourage you to get the DepEd guidlines and assistance for your school immediately. Ask DepEd to visit your facility and instruct your principle on the requirements.

Im sure there may be some experienced school nurses on the forum that can add greatly to your knowledge base. In the meantime, get pro-active and start with your local govt. agencies for information.

Good Luck!


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