Need help remembering all the anemias


Started hematology in med-surg today and my goodness I'm going to have a hard time keeping them straight and remembering all the care, etc. I'm finding a lot have the same care, interventions, etc but some don't. Plus all the CBC values, and the exam is Monday! Thankgoodness i have a long week off after a half a day tomorrow. Any pointers? Thanks in advance.

Specializes in LTC.

You must focus on the differences instead of similarites. I agree that they all kind of run into eachother, what has helped me is focusing on how different they are than how alike they are. For example we are know that anemia in general will cause : agina, SOB, fatigue, and etc. The main treatment is 02. For Iron defiency anemia they may have the same s/s however different symptoms may include: concaved finger nails, choletis angular ( inflammation of corner of lips), pica, smooth sore tongue. Now for vitamin b 12 defiency anemia the s/s may occur from the above however in addition the pt. may have numbness, confusion, decreased vibratory sense and etc. Aplastic anemia will have s/s that will cause bleeding, infection, and purpura and etc. due to it being something that affects the bone marrow.

Once you know the s/s of the anemias you should be able to figure out nursing interventions and tx. For example: Aplastic anemia- Nurse should monitor for increase in temp. indicative of infection. Or for Iron defiency anemia nurse would need to educate pt. on iron sources and do pt. teaching when it comes to pt. taking ferrous sulfate.

What I did was make note cards and wrote: pathophys, s/s, nursing interventions, tx, and drugs. This may help for the rest of med surg. Ofcourse the book should be read however this method have really helped me to retain the info. Good luck and wish me luck too in med surg.

Thanks a lot! I rely on note cards as it is!


Specializes in LTC.

you're welcome... i'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Lots of flash cards. I did these for my Patho Class, I actually made a few sets so I had to write them over and over again and the Anemias I ended up doing really good on!

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