Published Feb 3, 2016
34 Posts
I'm suppose to come up with an "action plan" for not being there late.... part of the issue is a damn useless CNA, insane assignments that you sucks when your coworkers point out how lousy of an assignment you have and offer to help as they can and having to now actually clock in and out for the lunch I oh so rarely actually get to take.... if i dont take it, I get yelled at for both the late hour and the missed lunch- but I could do what every bloody one else does and lie about it.... clock out and then do patient care (which worries me liability wise).
I also refuse to just copy and past other people assessments word for word and I actually document on education, care plans, daily care, I/O and ensure all my crazy amt of pain assessments and f/u are done as well... (Which only maybe 1/3 of my coworkers do).
I've been an RN 5.5 years and yes, i have struggled with time management off and on but had a pretty good handle on things until this CNA started-My latest issues I can pretty much chalk almost all of them up to days I work with the CNA i can't stand.. and extra crappy assignments...
How do I make an action plan for crap I can't control? Itd be nice it wasn't all BS either but to be honest I don't even know how to lip service this one... Help?
554 Posts
Tell them what they want to hear, then suck it up or quit.
Chart as you go, (chart with one hand and pour pills with the other hand)
Communicate with your cna, make your expectations clear, say please and thank you, and make her feel like a valuable team member.
Arrive a few minutes early, get a grip on your assignment, so as soon as report is over you are off and running.
Don't chit chat with anyone, except your valuable team members.
Learn to eat when you are not at work, so when you are at work you can fast. And not go potty.
Pump iron so you can more easily navigate that semitruck of a med cart.
Give your 1pms 2pms and 3pms all at the same time. Just don't tell anyone. Assuming you are working days.
7,736 Posts
What is it exactly that you're asking? (And you need to break up your sentences - kind of hard to follow you.)
I'm guessing you've been counseled/disciplined re lateness and/or not clocking out & taking lunch (?). You seem overwhelmed by workload quantity and a CNA who's dragging you down too (?).
While you can't change some things, you CAN work around them. I agree the disciplinary 'action plan' approach may just be a bunch of BS, but if that's what they want, that's what you give them. That's one of those things you aren't able to change also.
"Action plans' are easy. You state your problem [you need better time management and better oversight of a problem CNA].
You list the intervention steps you will take, like PP posted. Be specific with who, what, where, when, how, etc.
Include something about how you will measure/review your progress (but don't nail yourself with too stringent goals).
Print it up nice & neat - use lots of those 'bullets' for snazzy appearance.
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
put in your 2 weeks and leave.