
Hey Friends,

I am a new graduate nurse. I am scheduled to take my NCLEX July 5th. I have done the Kaplan Question trainers and I have gotten between 43-49% on 6 of them. I havent done 7 yet. On my Qbanks I have done anywhere between 50-55% consistently. Whoever I talk to have gotten 50s for their trainers and 50s-60s for their Qbanks. I am doing 75-100 questions a day and remediating. Can anyone help me how bad my grades are and if they stay this way what are the chances of me passing?

Does anyone has any idea how to help me??? :( :(

Thank you so much in advane.

Although I have not survived the NCLEX yet myself I can tell you what I did and what I've heard.. Make sure you have a great knowledge base before doing practise questions. I took a course that focused solely on mastering concepts and it was an amazing refresher of content from 4 years of nursing school. After you have mastered the content, Uworld is an AWESOME investment. I wish I would have got it sooner and was able to use it longer before I wrote. It is setup exactly how the nclex is, which was nice to get comfortable with beforehand. It gives awesome rationales which is a great study tool itself. I am not too sure if Kaplan is similar or not with the questions, but i think the most important part is not necessarily your marks on the practise tests, but if your taking the time to read and understand the rationales. Keep in mind I don't think anyone goes into the exam knowing absolutely everything-thats impossible. Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. You graduated nursing! And if you really don't feel prepared, reschedule your exam. There will come a time when you feel ready. Goodluck :)

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