Published Apr 1, 2010
2 Posts
Hello, I was wondering if anyone would kindly send me a study guide to the HESI A2 entrance exam. I found a thread that had a link for practice exam questions, however the site is no longer functioning and the thread has been closed. My wife is taking the exam next week. I have gathered some study material for her, but just wanted to offer some practice exams to boost her confidence. Any help would be greatly appreciated! my email is jeff_prev @ yahoo .com
169 Posts
Here's a link to evolve which sponsors the Hesi A2 test your wife will be taking:
You can purchase their practice test online right now! Click on this link and half way down on the left hand side of the page, you'll read the caption "First Time Taking The Hesi Exam?", click on it and the next page will allow you to purchase a practice test (again on the left hand side of the page). This is the quickest way with the time your wife has left to prepare for the exam with review material that she can access online. The math and english portion is very halpful. Anatomy section, on the other hand, will not provide her with all she needs to study; she'll have to pull some of that info from her textbooks. 'Hope this helps and wish your wife good luck for me! :)
Thank you very much Kasey! I really appreciate your help. I believe she's already been to that site because she had to register for the test, however I'm not that she realized that there was a practice test. Thanks again!!!
You're welcome, Jeff!! It costs about $20-$25, but this is the book-study guide we are all studying from! As stated previously, the English and Math sections are pretty true to form. The A&P section has little "Hesi Hints" that she will need to further study from old notes and books from A&P class. Have a nice day! :)
535 Posts and type in hesi or hesi a-2 for flash cards
I posted my experiences with the test (and NLN PAX) and what study guides I used. Search for my previous posts. I can't take time right now.
215 Posts
here's some studyguides I found through looking through different threads on here...
120 Posts
Thank you for this! I was trying to look everywhere for some study guides. This is great. Thanks again