Published Aug 17, 2005
155 Posts
I am a nursing student getting ready to start my first semester of clinical. I need to get professional Liability Insurance for Students. My shcool gave us an application for MARSH Affinity Group Services. The quote I received is $1,000,000 each incident / $3,000,000 aggragate for $33 a year. It sounds reasonable but someone had suggested NSO which gives $1,000,000 each incident / $6,000,000 aggragate for $29 a year.
I need help on deciding who to go with. I have any idea on what to look for. I do not even know what aggragate means. Please help!!!
I need to sumit this information within the next 2 days and I still do not know what to do.
355 Posts
Hi Jennifer
I personally have never heard of MARSH. I do carry NSO and have since I was a student. I have never(Thankfully) had to use their services.
Aggragate is the total in claims that they will pay out for you, you would have to have multiple suits. After that they will no longer insure you.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Hi JenniferI personally have never heard of MARSH. I do carry NSO and have since I was a student. I have never(Thankfully) had to use their services. Aggragate is the total in claims that they will pay out for you, you would have to have multiple suits. After that they will no longer insure you.Holly
Yes, NSO is a good choice by so many nurses. Very affordable. Many on this site have NSO.
36 Posts
I too am starting my RN program in Spring 2006 and need prof. Liability Insurance. I looked into NSO which was very reasonable, but being that I am already a Certified Medical Assistant it raised my rate to nearly $100.00!! Do any of you know if this is the norm? I've been a CMA since 2001 and never had to carry insurance before. Its not the end of the world, but with all of the expenses of this program, I'm trying to save wherever I can. Any advice would be helpful. THANKS.
56 Posts
Ask your program what is required before you proceed. Our program REQUIRES and specifies the liability amount that students must have.
I too am starting my RN program in Spring 2006 and need prof. liability insurance. I looked into NSO which was very reasonable, but being that I am already a Certified Medical Assistant it raised my rate to nearly $100.00!! Do any of you know if this is the norm? I've been a CMA since 2001 and never had to carry insurance before. Its not the end of the world, but with all of the expenses of this program, I'm trying to save wherever I can. Any advice would be helpful. THANKS.
Liability insurance is not required of any nurse. Unless their employer and/or contract/s specify. Students must carry insurance, yes.You will not be practicing as a CMA in nursing school. You will be a student, so, your insurance will reflect student status. This should be separate from your CMA.But, you do need Liability Insurance for your CMA, if you practice as such. All nurses should have liability insurance. IMHO.
158 Posts
At my school in NYC, we use NSO, very inexpensive. $20.00 for us STUDENTS. :roll Check it out!!! I guess, price varies by state.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I bought NSO for the same price 29.00 Good luck
I diagree with what one of the other members said about needing insurance if practicing as a CMA. The reason I say that is because I am also a CMA and we do not need to have insurance. Of course that is in the state which I live. All states can be different in their requirements. As for mine, since I am working with a certification, I am under the nurses license and the facility's insurance. Now, having your own is always a good idea so that you protect yourself. The facility is only going to protect themselves and if that means hanging you out to dry then that is what they will do.
As far as, the student insurance rate raising because of being a CMA, I can understand if they are going to cover your CMA work. The thing is, if you are only looking for insurance for clinical then I would talk to the carrier again and explain to them that you only want to be covered as a student and not as a CMA. If they still insist on doing it their way, then have them explain why. Then I would check out other companies. You should not be required to have CMA insurance. Truthfully, I think this company is just trying to get as much out of you as they can. That's just my opinion, though.
It turned out that I did not have to have my own insurance b/c the school does cover us and charge it to our tuition. Granted, it still would be better if I had my own.
3 Posts
I am a nursing student getting ready to start my first semester of clinical. I need to get professional Liability Insurance for Students. My shcool gave us an application for MARSH Affinity Group Services. The quote I received is $1,000,000 each incident / $3,000,000 aggragate for $33 a year. It sounds reasonable but someone had suggested NSO which gives $1,000,000 each incident / $6,000,000 aggragate for $29 a year.I need help on deciding who to go with. I have any idea on what to look for. I do not even know what aggragate means. Please help!!! I need to sumit this information within the next 2 days and I still do not know what to do.
Try having quotes online to insurance brokers like they have very well known insurance companies with them, you can compare rates and policies to 5 insurance companies for you to choose whick is cheap and would fit ini your budget. Hope this helps.