Need help deciding, where to work near Sydney



I'm in desperate need of info and advice. I've been a nurse for two years in an ICU in the states and I'm planning to work in Australia later this year. I've applied for my passport and am in the process of getting all of my other paperwork together.

I'm in contact with a recruiter from Prince of Wales Hospital and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. I am planning to work for six months under a working holiday visa and both hospitals are willing to set up interviews with me. My question is which one do I choose? I work in a busy university hospital now and would like to stay in critical care and am really excited to start working in Australia. I would also like to escape the freezing winters here and be near the city and beaches. I am traveling by myself and don't know a single person in Australia so I'm a little nervous and don't know where to begin looking for housing.

If anyone could offer any suggestions or info about either hospital and general area about the neighborhoods I would greatly appreciate it. I decided not to go through an agency and am planning on my own.

Thanks very much,


Hi Katie,

You cant go wrong with either, they are both great hospitals in great locations. RPA is in a slightly funkier location in terms of an inner city vibe whilst PWH is closer to the beaches. dont know what ur budget is like but RPA is also closer to the western suburbs which means u r better placed for cheaper accommodation-sydney is an expensive city so even cheap accommodation is expensive. IMHO RPA is also a more interesting and dynamic hospital to work in but again both r great. good luck

Hello Katie

I want to travel and work overseas but don't have the guts to do it- good on ya, im impressed hehe.

The hospitals you are in contact with are both excellent. I don't know how much info you already have/are after, but here are the websites from the NSW department of health regarding both of them (If you go to their respective Area Health Services, you may find more info about the community and the health resources available to the public)



In regards to accomodation and the like, hop on to and go to the "rent" tab. Sydney (as all capital cities) is expensive, but share accomodation is available, and even some hospitals still have the old "Nurse's Quaters" where u may be able to stay for afew weeks when you first arrive in Aus.

Thats pretty basic stuff ^^ if you have any specific questions, ask again or PM, i'd be happy to help you out.

best of luck


Specializes in Medical.

I don't know Sydney hospitals at all, but - if you choose RPA you might end up being part of the RPA documentary series that screens on one of our commerical TV stations ( Of course, whether that's a pro or a con only you can decide!

Hi there my names Vanessa am i am too traveling to Sydney alone i am a mental health nurse and am finding it hard to find accommodation that is to a good standard but reasonable price i arrive next week and would love to find other people in the same situation as it is difficult moving to an unknown place, especially around the other side of the world.

Specializes in ICU.


Reading your post I thought that I might have written it! I'm planning on working in Sydney for 6mo-year starting in August. I would love to hear your opinion about the hospital because I haven't made any sort of decision yet. I'm an ICU nurse with 2.5 years experience from NY.

Good luck!!


Specializes in ICU.

I am from the usa and in intrested in working in sydney for six months, what hospital did you choose? How are you liking australia. I dont know anyone from australia so i know how lost you may feel. Any advice or suggestions would be wondeful. Thank you.

Specializes in ICU.

I'm not yet in Sydney. I'm still going through the paper work; visa, nurse reg, etc. I haven't made any decisions regarding whether I'll sign with a hospital or agency or where. Good luck to you!

Hi guys,

Just trying if you guys could help me on deciding whether to take an offer from the Royal North Shore Hospital. I'd like to know more about the working conditions and staff benefits, opportunities for career advancement and professional development, living costs relative to its location. I'd love to hear some feedback about all these if someone could help. Big Thanks

Specializes in ..

POW is definitely closer to the beach than RPA. Like, wayyyy closer! You can see the ocean from Randwick. RPA is right in university central - and in, it's surrounded on four sides by Sydney University (huge place) and the next suburb is Newtown: or "unitown". It's full of students.

RNSH has been in the **** (excuse my language) of late. It's had major problems with staffing and facilities and the building, for the most part, is old and decrepit. That said, I don't think it would be a bad place to work. It's a massive tertiary referral hospital with a huge range of facilities located on the lower north shore. Accommodation probably isn't the cheapest on the shore but share living is relatively affordable.

Specializes in CTICU.

The north shore, around RNSH is one of the more expensive places to live. Having said that, I lived around there and loved it. Haven't worked at that hospital though.

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