Need help on CGFNS-CES


I am a RN:nurse: from the Philippines. I am planning to take NCLEX exam for Nevada.

As one of the requirement for international graduates like me, is applying for CGFNS-CES.

I have questions on what to write on the CGFNS-CES application form.

1. PART 2:(Preliminary Information) - This is a question about previous employment. I have never worked here in the Philippines. Can I just answer it as N/A (Not Applicable)?

2. PART 12 (Institutions Attended) - On the table below, there are 4 categories under Non-healthcare Schools

Attended. Here in the Philippines, PRIMARY is synonymous to Grade school (grade 1 t0 6), Secondary is High school (1st yr to 4th yr).

My questions are:

1. What will I write in the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL?

2. What will I write under the column of Name of Diploma or Certification in its Original Language?

3. On the last column, degrees obtained, which should I check? Is it correct that I will put a check mark only on the time when I got my RN degree and I will leave others unchecked?



I really need this to be filed ASAP.


Specializes in Acute Care. ER. Aged Care/LTC. Psyche.


1. Since you never worked as a nurse, then put Not Applicable or N/A on it.

2. I'm from the Philippines, too. This is what I did:

-Primary: Grades 1-4

-Intermediate: Grades 5-6

-High School: 1st - 4th year of course

-then College / Nursing School

The name of Diploma or Certificate in its Original Language is the one printed on your "diploma" (the paper itself you received upon graduation). Example: Diploma of Secondary Education, Certificate of High School Completion, etc. or if it's in Tagalog, like: Katibayan ng Pagtatapos, then write it on the Tagalog Language.

Then, you just have to check the column pertaining to your BSN.

God Bless!

Thank you so much for your reply. This is a very big help for me.


diploma of secondary education, certificate of high school completion, etc. or if it's in tagalog, like: katibayan ng pagtatapos, then write it on the tagalog language.

most hs diploma from government schools have both the filipino and the english translation in one.

what i did with mine was:

primary - my pre-elementary education

name of diploma: primary diploma and then i checked degree obtained indicating i completed primary education

intermediate - my elementary education

name of diploma: elementary diploma and then i checked degree obtained indicating i completed elementary education

secondary - my hs education

name of diploma: high school diploma and then i checked degree obtained indicating i completed secondary education

and wrote n/a for the post-secondary non-professional program. make sure you don't leave any blank spots. always write n/a or none.

this i based on my experience. i hope this would help you.

Hi guys.

I got confused with your contradicting replies to my post.

I just want to clear some things.

For iamnomad

Then, you just have to check the column pertaining to your BSN.

So you mean I don't have to check Degree obtained during primary,intermediate, and secondary? What do I have to put on those blank spaces?

For MJ3lasvegas

Are you from Philippines? When did you file your cgfns-ces?

Contact CGNFS directly.

They normally waive all diplomas except for your College Nursing Diploma.

Specializes in Acute Care. ER. Aged Care/LTC. Psyche.

Take note that "pre-elementary education" or pre-school (I assume), as posted above, is not a formal education in the Philippines.

Elementary and secondary school diplomas are not considered a "degree" since you need a college education to get a "degree"..but you can check/tick that column as well, just to be safe.

Here's the thing. In the United States, Elementary stops at 5th Grade. Intermediate ( I believe is also known as Middle School) is 6th - 8th Grade. Secondary is 1st - 4th year High School. The problem is we don't have 7th - 8th grade.

primary-pre school


secondary- high school

i answered those when i did mine and i didnt encounter any problems

Specializes in Acute Care. ER. Aged Care/LTC. Psyche.

well, i guess CGFNS will understand whatever we write on that item. Since they have set the standards on their evaluation, and it's based on what the Philippine education system is (for Philippine-educated applicants). I think what's important is the Nursing Program.

Thank you guys!

How about the Nevada RN Application Form?

I already sent my form to my sister there in Las Vegas.

Can she submit it directly to the address stated on the form? or is it really thru mail?

im not really quite sure how that works coz when i submitted my application i had my fingerprinting right away..

i guess its best to call them and ask them what you should do since you're in PI right now..

when submitting, you (or your sister) can do it either ways (mail-in or drop-in). their office if just in Shara right across Palace Station..but i guess you have to make sure that she signs and you sign too the 3rd party agreement. it's part of the packet you got from NV-BON.

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