Published Sep 15, 2014
14 Posts
per my professor:
please bring an article from the newspaper, nursing website or journal that relates to healthcare/nursing/politics.
Can someone please tell me or direct me to a website with articles on healthcare politics.
Thanks in advance!
herring_RN, ASN, BSN
3,651 Posts
National Campaign for Safe RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratios | National Nurses United
Quality and Patient Safety
Policy & Advocacy
Michigan Nurses Association - Home
Home | Minnesota Nurses Association
Massachusetts Nurses Association - Home
Medicare For All | National Nurses United
Climate Crisis a Public-Health Emergency Too: Why Nurses Will Join Climate March Sept. 21:
The Trouble with Kaiser's Technology
Nurses say the healthcare giant's new Oakland Medical Center is plagued by dangerous equipment malfunctions, ineffective communication systems, and chronic understaffing.
30.1M Patients Affected by Data Breaches Since 2009, Analysis Finds
National Nurse Magazine
Thank you so much. much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your help with this. Big help.
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
ANA Policy and Advocacy
Check out the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing has Legislative column -- articles able to used in nursing program classwork.
Legislative: Responding to the Fatal Opioid Overdose Epidemic: A Call to Nurses
Legislative: Nursing Distance Learning Programs and State Board of Nursing Authorizations
Legislative: Nursing's Engagement in Health Policy and Healthcare Through Social Media
Barriers to NP Practice that Impact Healthcare Redesign
Addressing Issues Impacting Advanced Nursing Practice Worldwide
Medscape nursing: Free registration required
Health Affairs
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
OP, you do realize that if you put your query on this board into a search engine that you would have the info sought?
You need to learn how to do research. The net makes it very easy to find information. If you expect to survive college, much less a nursing program, you must know how to do a least basic research.