Published Sep 25, 2014
3 Posts
I am currently a junior in a BSN program. One of my assignments this semester is to interview a BSN nurse who works in a patient care/hospital setting. We can conduct the interview over the phone. I can email the questions (16) to you. The questions relate to safety in the patient care setting, technology etc. Nothing really too personal.
Any specialty, any state, any city, no minimum years of experience required. The only requirement is you must have a BSN.
If anyone would please be willing to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,980 Posts
The reason behind these assignments is to get you out there and out of your comfort zone. Emailing questions to someone is nothing at all like being allowed to do a phone interview. What you should do is utilize your resources to find someone you can verify is a nurse- that is something you cannot do on an anonymous message board. Additionally, the flexibility of being able to conduct an interview in real time is that you can explore answers much more easily. As an example of this, I had to interview a nurse educator for one of my assignments. Some of her answers to the questions I asked led to other questions to follow up. Not only did I get the information I needed for the assignment, I also gained a lot of insight into the transition from management to education while also attending school and dealing with the insane amount of stress that caused.
Need to clarify--- I only wanted to email questions so interviewee could prepare and formulate answers.
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
Part of the process is learning how to conduct an interview face to face. Consider asking a nurse at one of your nearby hospitals or clinics to assist with the interview. You'll learn more than asking someone from the internet.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Welcome to AN!
I think when nursing students are asked to interview nurses it is meant to be face to face. Face to face interviewing is a vital skill in the nursing process of caring for a patient. Tons of information can be gleaned from body language in a face to face interaction that as a nurse you need to read to best care for your patient. In this electronic age we exist in, face to face interactions are rarer and rarer but remain vital to the assessment process.
I believe that the assignment to interview a nurse means to interview someone face to face. The interview process is a vital tool in the nursing process and it requires it to be face to face. This is an anonymous site, and while reliable, you still have no way of knowing of it really is a nurse you are "interviewing". The whole process of stepping out of your comfort zone to ask a complete stranger to talk about a personal issue and to trust you enough to give you that the assignment. It is my personal belief that online interviews do not fulfill this process.
I wish you the best on your nursing journey.
Go to CVS and talk to the nurse practitioner running the clinic, make an appointment with your PCP to speak with his nurse, talk to your local board of health in your town and their nurse practitioner, check the health stop on campus, go to a local urgent care, call the local school and ask for an appointment with the school nurse. I really think perfecting interview skills is vital to the nursing assessment process.
Good luck!
Thank you everyone for the advice. It is appreciated. Our instructor is who suggested interviewing over the phone. I would prefer face to face. I would like to develop a relationship with an experienced nurse for unofficial mentoring purposes. I have asked several at my clinical sight, however; they are ADN. I like the CVS idea. Thank you.
try a local school and ask the nurse there...they are usually minimum BSN
396 Posts
The reason behind these assignments is to get you out there and out of your comfort zone. .
...or learn fake it till you make it.