Need an answer to a common question...

Nurses General Nursing


Well, this is the end of my first semester in LPN school and boy, do I need a break! The question that everyone seems to be asking each other and veterans of the program is this: does second semester tend to be harder? We really don't know what to have in mind for the future---I kinda feel like I did right before school started--confused, excited and a little scared. I'll be finishing this semester with all A's and one B---is that any indication of spring semester (OB/Pedi, Med/Surg, Misc....)? I'd love to hear anything you can tell me about it.....Thanks:kiss

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by SarahCeleste

Well, this is the end of my first semester in LPN school and boy, do I need a break! The question that everyone seems to be asking each other and veterans of the program is this: does second semester tend to be harder? We really don't know what to have in mind for the future---I kinda feel like I did right before school started--confused, excited and a little scared. I'll be finishing this semester with all A's and one B---is that any indication of spring semester (OB/Pedi, Med/Surg, Misc....)? I'd love to hear anything you can tell me about it.....Thanks:kiss

That's a difficult question.You appear to have built a solid foundation and will be well prepared for what is to come...Things will start to make more sense when when you use the basic knowledge you have gathered in the first semester.....

I did not attend LPN school, but I agree with the above post. You are doing great so far and there is no reason to expect you will not continue to do great. Keep up the good work!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Congrats for finishing your first semester and take a well deserved break.

For me, the semesters were equally difficult, none being harder than the one before. To me, the first semester was the worst because of the unknown factor. After that it got slightly easier because I had my routine down, and I knew basically how the nursing courses were taught.

Good luck.

I went to a three semester LPN program. The first was hard because I had no idea what to expect...the second and third were more challenging as far as the didactic work and the patient loads, but the second and third were also more fun! I learned a lot more in the second and third and I got to try new skills and procedures.

For me that is when the fun started. When we finally got out of bedmaking and tempertature taking nuringing home mode (nursing home, as in chronic stable conditions) and got to rotate to all different nursing areas.

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