Published Jul 11, 2010
24 Posts
I have recently became certified and licensed and am now getting ready to start my life as an NP. The current job I am in is nights- other than that I love it, but no job there for NP (L&D).
I also have started teaching this year -which I love, however cannot locate any full time positions in this area (or even PT with benefits).
I am on my second interview with 2 places, and I am already being asked for more information like references, etc. 1st place is a very reputable hospital nationwide fantastic opportunities as an apn. The division is very small part of larger division. However, extremely specific type of pt.s limited in the presenting disease. this one is M-F days, no call, no holidays or weekends, occ late days due to calls during day.
Second position is with a retail clinic chain pays really really well about 20K more), however turnover seems to be a little high. plus in this setting, choices, responsibilities are limited- heard it can be boring on occ. Hours are 12 hour shifts and flexible... might still be able to teach while doing this job. Also got a call from another university wanting me to take on a little adjunct faculty work...might be able to squeeze this one in too if I go with retail clinic.
Both major positions have benefits, the first one is less money but better benefits and opportunities. second with more flexibility, poss for me to continue teaching occasionally (which I love).
Neither position has anything to do with what I have been doing thus far as an RN, complete change of life for me.
Any one with any opinions in this matter.....? I would love to have some really good advise from all of the wonderful and highly intelligent NP's/PA's that are out there!
15 Posts
well, i dont have any advice, but i did just take a job with a retail clinic. It sounds like a good gig for now, plus most other positions want an NP with experience where i have been looking. i start in a few weeks- i'll let you know how it is once i start.
Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from you in regards to this. I also know that the new edition of Advance for NP's just came out with a very interesting turnover in the retail health setting, but from looking back on some of the posts, it does seem that there are advantages, even if they are just for a short while (less than 5 years)
I looks forward to hearing how your job is going, please keep me posted.
659 Posts
My first (and probably last, I can see myself retiring from this company) job was a winner as I have previously posted. I lucked out! But I know all areas in the country aren't the same way. I wish you luck though.
Dixiecup- What is your job?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
I graduated in 2006 with an adult health CNS (and in IL this is an APN). I took a job with a nephrology practice and have been very happy. This was way out of my comfort zone too as my nursing experience was all ER and ICU. I've also just completed a peds CNS so that I can now see all ages.
I have a friend, an FNP who just took a job at a retail clinic due to a family situation and she seems to like it but knows that she will only work another 2-5 years total prior to full retirement.
1,116 Posts
One thing I did not see mentioning was your collaborating physician and support staff. I've had soooo many situations and patients come up where I needed someone with years of experience to take a look at a patient. Will you have good support in both positions ?
As to the rest of the info, I'm at an age where I need and desire flexibility and time off more than I need and desire excitement on the job. The young whippersnappers can have the challenging environment, the crashing patients and all that jazz. I want more time off and a flexibile schedule that fits the needs of my family. For that alone I think I would pick the retail clinic job. It would bother me not a single ounce to see URI/UTI/rhinitis patients all day with a few hypertensives thrown in. But that's just me.
See, I'm old (almost 52 now) and I love the adrenaline rush! I've been on my volunteer fire dept for 11 years just for the adrenaline rush.
See, I'm old (almost 52 now) and I love the adrenaline rush! I've been on my volunteer fire dept for 11 years just for the adrenaline
I'm thankful for people like you!! It's just never been my stack of cards. Maybe it's because I have a heart that is wayyy too sensitive to adrenaline ? My ablation for AVNRT a few years ago took care of most of the problem, but when I am in a stressful situation I can feel it trying to kick into tachycardia and I hate it!
Also, I still have younger kids at home so I have enough drama there...I don't need it at work!
I work for a company that has several rural clinics and I float. The people are all wonderful to work with, I am not overwhelmed and the benefits are too good to be true but they are!