Published Apr 29, 2013
2 Posts
I am currently doing all my pre reqs for my nursing classes i have done almost all my pre reqs for them ( Psy 101,Eng 111, Math 136 and Sociology) Out of all the classes i have an B in psy and the rest an C's But i am transfering schools((IUPUI)) and they are having me taking more classes to get into the program but she also said i have to retake classes there because i need to get into the A category. But my question is i have been during my pre reqs for three years now and i feel like i am just spending too much time on the pre reqs it seem like my current school made me take classes i dont need (Ivy Tech) and i feel like i should quit, but idk im confuse at what to do
Advice needed
also i am suppose to be taking A&P @ IUPUI and when i went there the advisor said i should be able to get into the nursing program next fall(2014)
599 Posts
It took me 5 years just to do pre-reqs. Hang in there, keep it up, if it's something you want you won't stop. Good luck.
1,163 Posts
Pre reqs are important, not only to set the foundation for nursing school but also to even gain entry into a nursing school. If I am reading what you wrote right, then you have all C's & 1 B... that is really not going to help you. I would transfer & retake those classes (getting A's). If you really want this, you will not mind doing that.
4 Posts
Your best bet is to retake the classes, and get focused! I too am trying to bring my GPA up. My school currently switched to semesters so I have to retake a few classes because semesters screwed me over. Just take an hour or two every night and go through all of your notes, make note cards, study guides, and study maps. These classes are important in your nursing program, therefore you shouldn't just memorize the information, take it and apply it to everyday life. I know I sound nerdy but nursing is extremely competitive, as you know, and there is no excuse not to study. I should know from experience. I used to blame it on having no time between work and my kids and my boyfriend. But now I just buckle down, tell my boyfriend I'll be up when I'm up for bed, and involve my kids in my studies. We make games out of it. I have found that getting up early and studying has made a big difference for me. I am on year 3 of pre reqs now, and I'll be done this fall with a 3.8 GPA I'm hoping (started with a 2.2 after transferring to current school). So it is possible! Don't give up!
347 Posts
Schools are so competitive, if you want to get in you will need the A's