Published Jan 10, 2015
1 Post
Hi everyone,
I found out today that I was accepted into a nursing program. I was initially so excited, but after reading through the health history form, I am worried that they will rescind my offer, or hold this against me if they don't. I could really use some advice as to how to answer these questions.
I have been treated for depression/anxiety since I was 45 now...have seen therapists and currently seeing a psychiatrist. I'm doing well and stable on my meds, and have been for years. I have also had some medical problems, which have been treated and controlled by medication (high blood pressure, a heart arrthymia which was successfully ablated, an adrenal gland issue), and some minor stuff like seeing a foot doctor for inflammation.
I now have to fill out a health history form that needs to be reviewed and signed by my doctor. There is a section for personal health history with yes/no type questions, and any "yes" answers have to be explained in the comments section. Some of these questions are: frequent anxiety; frequent depression; worry or nervousness; have you received treatment or counseling for a nervous condition, personality or character disorder, or emotional problem; have you consulted or been treated by clinics, physicians, healers, or other practitioners within the past five years? (other than routine checkups). They also want a list of current prescriptions.
I don't know what to do. I've read through this forum and some of you think that its better to be upfront and disclose, while others feel its personal and not to say anything. I don't think that its anyone's business, and since my health (physical and mental) is stable, I don't want to list it. However, if I list my medications, it will be obvious that I am being treated for mental health issues. If I don't list this stuff, my doctor might not sign off (we have a good rapport, though, so not sure...he might understand). The last page of the form (physical and immunization section) asks the doctor directly about these things as well.
Another compounding problem is that the program I was accepted to is part of a large state university. I have used this university frequently when I had to go to the ER for heart issues (before they were resolved, and not for the past few years), once in 2009 when my anxiety meds were not working to the psych er...I brought myself there (but was not admitted there, just given a med change), and I have used several of their outpatient specialists (dermatology, cardiology). So, if the nursing school looked into the patient system, my name would be there with all of my health history.
Problem #3....the form also includes a consent that needs to be signed by me authorizing the release of the form to: the dean of the school of of student affairs...department of clinical placement...the hospital employee health service department...student health service....and other hospitals and clinical affiliates where I might be engaged in clinical instruction.
The reason I am pursuing this school in particular is a one year is public so MUCH less expensive than area private has the best reputation in my area, and it is 15 mins away from my home.
Thank you for reading and your feedback!!
249 Posts
If your conditions are well controlled and your doctor will sign off that they are controlled, you should have no problem selecting 'yes' to the conditions you mention. In the explanation section, say they are treated and/or well controlled. Lots of nurses are treated for mental health problems and medical conditions! You are not alone! They just want to know that they are under the care of a doctor and you are managing them!
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
Agree with BiotoBSN, select yes and say your condition is well controlled. Also, the nursing school cannot access your personal health information via the electronic patient health system, as this would be a violation of health information privacy laws.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
Yes, they cannot get into the system and look at your medical history. My doctor just signed my form that I was capable of the job and made sure I had the proper shots. I think you are worrying too much. It's really not that big of a deal, I promise.
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
so better to be upfront, i have not seen a BON lis application that does not ask have you been treated for various mental illness, usually in last five years, just because you may have, does not disqualify, but may warrent an investigation.......I know of several nurses delayed NCLex exam a few weeks to months....but are very successful nurses today. best wishes
BeachsideRN, ASN
1,722 Posts
My MD signed the form saying I am competent yet BON is questioning that. I'm confused and at a loss at what to do