need Advice for kaplan classes


I am a foreign educated nurse. I am preparing for NCLEX-RN. I want to attend for kaplan

review classes. when i searched in website,it is showing juz for 4 days and total 16 hrs. but i think this short duration is not enough for me. What does kaplan teach exactly in review classes? I want to take little long coaching. can any one tell me how it goes?

Consider purchasing the online course. I am currently using Hurst online to prepare for HESI's and NCLEX at the end of the month. You can watch the lectures at your leisure as many times as you want. I cannot vouch for Kaplan, but I have recommended Hurst to my ESL classmates because the lecturers speak so clearly and slowly. I also recommend audiobooks from Prentice Hall Reviews and Rationales. These are even slower and clearer than Hurst. I listen to these when I drive and take hikes. They are excellent. I purchased them from Amazon's "Audible" division. Best of luck.

Kaplan teaches test taking strategies. It is best to have a good solid content foundation prior to taking the Kaplan test though there are content review videos.

There are several packages: questions bank, online and live class, or just online class. The live class is a lecture, and a set of videos covering content and how to answer questions are made available.

You can review the content videos and taped video lectures before the class should you want to study before you attend the class.

Does hurst review give lectures on total nclex content or just tell about stratagies? Howmany days hurst review classes will be and how much we need to pay?

Does hurst review give lectures on total nclex content or just tell about stratagies? Howmany days hurst review classes will be and how much we need to pay?

Hurst reviews does not cover test taking strategies. It goes over what a new nurse should know for content. They try to explain in simple terms what is happening in the body. I think you can view a sample on their site.

It costs about 300 dollars. It can be online download or live review. There is also a book that you can purchase.

Thank you. so we can download the lectures and can listen whenever we want,right? For how many days live review would be?

Hurst reviews gives you access for 3 months. So you can listen to "live" reviews from the web for 3 months. Be sure and download 5th day materials and save also. After that it's 50/month.

I took Kaplan classroom and I thought it was a waste of time. My instructor taught us their decision tree and for 4 days we just answered NCLEX questions. That was it. Personally, I learned more from the Qbank questions and did not use their decision tree when I took my exam.

Good luck!

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