I am a new grad with a BSN (2nd degree) that has been interviewing and have multiple job offers. I am looking for a position that allows me to grow and eventually work in an ICU. I am looking to be in this position for about years before I become a traveling nurse/move to a better city/CRNA option.
Job offer 1:
ICU nurse: Community ICU in a 200 bed hospital. State of the art equipment. 10 bed ICU. The unit averages 3-5 patients in it at any time. This is a non trauma level hospital and any patients needing more care are flown in the helicopter. This is a night position. 2 patients under my care when I'm in the ICU. Hospital is 2 hours away from a large city. When there is not enough patients the nurse takes patients on the PCU.
Job offer 2:
Solid Organ Transplant Nurse: Trauma 1 level hospital with 700 beds in a large city. Transplant unit is 48 beds. High acuity patients like ICU, however no ventilators. Nurse takes care of 2 patients at a time. Average length of stay of patient is 5-7 days. This is a day position Hospital has huge growing opportunity as it is the largest hospital in the city.
Job Offer 3:
Neuro Nurse: Same trauma 1 level hospital on a 48 bed unit. Nurse cares 3-4 patients at a time. Average length of stay of patient is 3-4 days. Same high opportunity for growth within this hospital. This is a day position Manager stressed how difficult and challenging this position was during the neuro interview. I am looking forward to a high level of challenge.
Questions - I want to end up in an ICU. I'm not sure the community ICU position (even though I will have ICU patients and my title will be ICU) will get me to where I'm going rather than the other options.
ANY advice would be great. Which job would you choose and why? Just give your background when you give it. Thanks a ton!