Published Jan 4, 2012
1 Post
I want to enter the I have heard that NET is super expensive, and I was wondering if anyone has any comments on it?
Also, how long does the CCRI program take? I am a mother and the speedy degree is definatly appealing to me.
Any imput please!
mgalano, ASN, BSN, RN
84 Posts
I am also a mother and I chose CCRI because I was able to do my pre req's at night and now I attend the actual nursing program during the day. The pre req process takes 3 semesters then the actual program is 4 semesters. CCRI is much much cheaper and I love the program so far!
20 Posts
I am also at CCRI in the Day nursing program. As far as speedy degree i am not finished with the RN program yet ( i graduate in dec 2012), but I am a graduate LPN as of Dec 2011. I am waiting to get my permission to test for the NCLEX PN.
CCRI has an LPN bridge program that lets you become an LPN after your first year in the program (and an additional summer course) while you still are in the RN program.
I love it. My employer is hiring me as an LPN (from CNA) and I can work full time this summer and get lots of experience before I even graduate as an RN. That will help me get a job as a new RN also.
Good luck to you!
47 Posts
FYI, go for your BSN when you can. I know for a fact RI hospital doesnt hire LPNs and more recently associate degree RN's.
True. Fatima just let their LPN's go too (except for endoscopy). In RI I think we all know an LPN works in LTC, rehab, detox/psych, outpatient/walk-in clinics, dialysis, Dr offices, home care, wellness companies etc and not hospitals.
My sister loves it and has no plans to become an RN! :) She makes a good living too.
I have a BA so I will just go to grad school after I get my AD RN but otherwise I would be sure to get my BSN as soon as i could after graduating (and getting a job!!) so that no doors are closed to me.
FYI-I know Kent offers on site BSN courses with Salve because I spoke with new grads who were doing that while i was there for clinicals. Just an example of the many options out there.
53 Posts
I would definitely recommend CCRI.
It took me 3 1/2 years from starting my pre-reqs to finishing the program. I graduated this past December, just took my boards this week and got my license.
CCRI is a great school and has a great program. You get a great education at a great price, and the school has an awesome pass rate for the NCLEX. So far every classmate of mine that has taken their boards has passed.
Good luck with your decision!
I want to enter the I have heard that NET is super expensive, and I was wondering if anyone has any comments on it?Also, how long does the CCRI program take? I am a mother and the speedy degree is definatly appealing to me. Any imput please!
GadgetRN71, ASN, RN
1,841 Posts
I would say CCRI. I have a surg tech degree from NEIT and am still paying that loan off. I owe nothing for my nursing degree. You will pay at least $42,000 at NEIT and this is for an ADN!! You may have to pay more if you have no prerequisites.
CCRI will be one fourth of this approximately. I graduated CCRI and received a solid nursing education. NEIT preys on those who have few options.
Oh, and RI Hospital does still hire ADNs. A friend of mine just got hired there, and I filled out an application as well. It mentioned nothing about a mandatory BSN.