2nd day of school!


I went in my first day of nursing school so excited and even left more excited knowing I picked the right school. Now it's day 2 and I'm nervous? I had 5 chapters I had to read before today which I done but I'm afraid I didn't understand it like I should! My class doesn't start for another 4 hours but part of me wants to curl into a ball and cry already! Is this normal?!

Specializes in PCT, RN.

Woah, relax a little lol.

You're not doing yourself any favors by being this freaked out.

Nerves are normal. You are entering a field where you are responsible for taking care of people and if you are like me and have never done anything like this before it can freak you out a bit. Get to know your classmates, form a study group and just keep up with your course material. Understanding comes with experience I have found in my program the more I learn the more previous units make sense. I am going into my final semester so I know it can be done. Good luck and relax.

Congrats on getting into a program. I start Monday and I am so nervous. Our instructors haven't assigned any homework yet, makes me wonder what to expect the first week. Good luck!

Nursing school is a every day all day lifestyle until you pass the NCLEX. Calm down read and make notes to your understanding and what you don't understand make notes to ask question. Take advantage of being so early on when knowing many things are not expected of you and ask the question now, don't wait till months from now when you should know something and you ask and the instructor get's furious.

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