NCTC ADN Fall 2013

Nursing Students School Programs


I'm going to Gainsville next week to apply for the ADN program and was wondering if anyone else was looking to do the same. I live in Lewisville, so Gainsville is quite a drive, but I'd be willing to car pool! Has anyone started to study for the Kaplan? I need to get started on that since the test is scheduled to take place at the end of June. Good luck to all of the applicants!

I've been busy getting ready for school as well and my new shoes/scrubs came in today I'm at work, but if you give me a while longer, I can look at my degree audit and see what class they took as a phys Ed course. I know I've met the extra criteria for the BSN, but I cannot remember what class they accepted.

Has any one bought a stethoscope yet? I've been looking at a prestige kit that has the scope and cuff for $35, but I don't want to buy what I don't need.

tayshain04, I'm looking at the degree audit that the nursing school sent back to me to sign and there is nothing on there for BCIS, speech or physical education. The classes you need for the BSN are the same ones that cross listed earlier.

Last semester I took all accelerated 8 week classes at UTA including sociology, biology and A&P I. I wish I had known about NCTC sooner, because I feel I basically wasted my time. Anyway, when I took the accelerated biology and A&P I, I would say it was full time. I studied at least 30 hours a week - there was no actual class and it was all online.

I am currently signed up for micro and dev psych at NCTC for a traditional semester. It has been 15 years since I took traditional classes. About how many hours per week did you all devote to a science course like micro at NCTC?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I took micro in summer school so I was reading everyday. But in a normal semester, I would say a couple hours a week.

Dev psych is a lot of reading, but I took it online. I though dev psych was very interesting and you do use it a lot in nursing!

Alright! Thank you!

Any suggestions on electives to take?

Ok! Thank you!

Any suggestions on electives to take!?

It always seems that if I spend three hours a week in the classroom, I spent three hours a week studying. You can expect to spend 3-4 hours a week studying for your science courses in a regular semester. Dev psych is a TON of reading an micro requires a lot of memorization.

Wow, that seems like a lot less time. I am glad I chose a regular semester this time...I was getting burned out on the accelerated classes after 2 semesters.

Scrubs etc in Lewisville is having a sale through Sunday. Their Landau true red scrubs are 18.48 a peice after the discount. In case you guys are looking...

I went ahead and got my scrubs. If I need to return them, I'll keep the tags on. I'd just rather have them ready to go than wait until last minute. As far as stethoscopes go, I went ahead and purchased a Littmann. I figured it's an investment, and should be used after nursing school as well. Plus, I work in an ICU, and most of the nurses here suggested to go ahead and get a decent stethoscope, though each nurse was partial to a particular brand and model.

Best advice I received was to go to a medical supply store and try them out, see which one you can hear the best with. I took that advice and tried a ton, and ended up choosing one of the Littmanns. It seemed to offer the clearest sound for me. Several nurses I work with use the same one, so I'm comfortable with my choice. A few of nurses recommended ADC, and said those were much clearer than the Littmanns. I tried a few, but I found the Littmann a little clearer. Anyways, I guess it's an individual preference...but I am glad I went and tried several out.

I've got my scrubs and shoes already and picked up a few pen lights. Thanks for the information on my stethoscope!

I haven't picked up a penlight yet, but I will before orientation. I actually have an LED penlight, but it's REALLY bright...might end up blinding someone. So, I'll definitely need to pick up a different one. Also picked up scissors online via Amazon. I think I'm covered on everything else. Not sure if a cuff comes with our supplies we ordered online, but if not, it should be the last thing I need...

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