Published Sep 6, 2010
3 Posts
Hi All,
Thanks for such a wonderful forum and wealth of information. I am very lost right now. I graduated from a reputed BSN program in Tennessee in Dec 2006. I got scared and didn't take nclex after graduation. Since then I have been working in clinical research and never needed nursing license. Lately I been wanting to move into practicing nursing. Now it has been over three years and took nclex in Aug 2010. Needless to say my preparation was not enough and I failed the test. But along with the result letter I got a letter from Tennessee board saying
"After an applicant for licensure by examination fails to qualify for licensure within a three year period following graduation from an approved program of nursing, the applicant must, prior to retaking the examination, complete a board approved or National League for Nursing accredited program of nursing".
Can anyone please explain what this means? Does it mean that I have to go through BSN again to be eligible for NCLEX or I have to go through some refresher course? Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks very much.
38,333 Posts
Unfortunately you have to go to nursing school again. Call and speak to someone or send a written letter to get the correct information, but that is how I read it. Nowhere did it use the word, "refresher". Sorry.
Also to add, can I take NCLEX (after graduating from TN) from any other state if re-taking eligibility requirements are different?
Do not see why not. That is what I would do, pronto. But then would you be allowed to endorse the other license in? You might still be in the same boat, so to speak. Get a license from one of the compact states.
269 Posts
I had a similiar situation. My advice is to apply for licensure by examination through another state. I used Indiana. Take the NCLEX (and pass it) and then re-apply for TN licensure by endorsement. Don't panic. No you do not have to go to nursing school again. There are ways around this.