Published Feb 4, 2007
34 Posts
So, I took my nclex-pn on 01-17-2007, and got my results 02-02-2007 and i failed. =***( bummed out the day of my birthday, so im thinking here and there...what to study now...I skimmed through exam cram, and read the kaplan strategies..i don't know if it helped me or not, but for some reason the test was really hard. and only got harder and harder but i kept my head up and faught....I KNEW that i failed, but kept a positive thinking that i passed. Man i felt like quitting..because in nursing school I failed test, and felt the same way as yesterday. I'm a C student by the way, So now i don't even know wat to do..( do i register again and pay $75 and then the testing fee of $200 ) that made me more stressed out!!! Now im debating if im goin to read the WHOLE saunders book which i will forget what i read, ( i don't catch on pretty easy i have to read it at least 10 times, and STILL not get it ) OR just do the by NCSBN?
To sum up, still pretty bummed out but keeping my head high, wishing and praying that i'd do really good next time, and move on start working and care for those in needs of my care. =)
p.s. do i start counting 45 days on the day i took my boards? or my results..I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!! im confused!!! :confused: :confused:
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
So, I took my nclex-pn on 01-17-2007, and got my results 02-02-2007 and i failed. =***( bummed out the day of my birthday, so im thinking here and there...what to study now...I skimmed through exam cram, and read the kaplan strategies..i don't know if it helped me or not, but for some reason the test was really hard. and only got harder and harder but i kept my head up and faught....I KNEW that i failed, but kept a positive thinking that i passed. Man i felt like quitting..because in nursing school I failed test, and felt the same way as yesterday. I'm a C student by the way, So now i don't even know wat to do..( do i register again and pay $75 and then the testing fee of $200 ) that made me more stressed out!!! Now im debating if im goin to read the WHOLE saunders book which i will forget what i read, ( i don't catch on pretty easy i have to read it at least 10 times, and STILL not get it ) OR just do the by NCSBN?To sum up, still pretty bummed out but keeping my head high, wishing and praying that i'd do really good next time, and move on start working and care for those in needs of my care. =)p.s. do i start counting 45 days on the day i took my boards? or my results..I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!! im confused!!! :confused: :confused:
Call your state BON to ask them when you can begin applying again. I have been reading your posts and wish to extend my empathy to you. I just mentioned this to someone else before...try Kaplan's Stragedy for Success NCLEX-PN. What this book does (and it is about $20) is to teach for clues to assist you in answering questions. And, if there is tutoring available, maybe that can be considered. If a person can assess your weak points and build you up from there, that may be what you need. At this time, nurse your wounds and begin again. Delmar's Comprehensive NCLEX-PN was also very helpful to me. Saunders is a great book, but it can be very overwhelming. Maybe you need to read books that are just straight to the point. Best of luck to you and please keep in touch!
Im sorry to hear about your first test. You have just given me some food for thought. I like you am a doing just enough to get over( student nurse). This makes me very nervous. I may think about stepping it up a notch. I am ashamed to admit that I possess the power to be a dean lists student but I have a tendency to have ass sometimes and be lazy when I can. Does anyone know what percentage of student nurses fail their NCLEX-PN on the first try? So if you go thru the whole program and you dont pass then what? Do you go get your CNA or med assistant and hope you do better? Are you somehow able to challenge the medical assistant test if you dont pass? Scary to have $20,000 and 15 months riding on one test. I wish you the best of luck on your retest!!!
I think i half assed the nclex and didn't really take it seriously..don't get me wrong i DID study, but just to the point to satisfy my daily studies. I learned my lesson now. and am seriously planning my daily routine....I will not let one stupid nclex pn drag me down the drain. I will fight on..and pass the next test. I will be using NCSBN learning ext (5 weeks).. and saunders to the words i don't know about.'ll be fine.. just keep your head up. Nursing school quizes and test are very different than the Nclex. so be prepared. I'll keep you guys posted. and THANK YOU FOR YOUR guys think my plann is good?:pumpiron: :pumpiron: