Published Sep 27, 2014
1 Post
I took my NCLEX for the second time on Sept 25, 2014. I went home and tried to register again and it did not give me the "good pop up box" so I was extremely disappointed. I just paid for my results and to my surprise it says I PASSED!! So this time the "trick" was wrong!
emergenceRN17, ASN, BSN, RN
832 Posts
According to other posts, they changed it. Now it takes you to the cc page automatically. You can take the risk of entering your information and hope you don't get charged or you just wait for the results
OBigdog26, MSN, RN, NP
248 Posts
I remember those days waiting in anticipation for a pass/fail on nclex. It was a big deal back then, in retrospect, I now think it's silly to lose sleep or try these "tricks" to see if one passes or fails.
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1 Article; 190 Posts
Congrats! How did your exam go? I took mine too last Sept 25, but still did not do the trick.